Monday, April 16, 2007

Another Blog about Dating Howie Nave


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Anonymous said...

All these attacks on Lisa S. today. The attackers are doing a good job distracting the rest of us that the enemy is HOWIE!

Anonymous said...

Good point. Nancy would you to forget that.

Most of who has been writing today is Nancy. I have no doubts about it. I have known her for years and years. I believe by writing style, she is the the one who says she is his friend and who has written hundreds of posts.
She admitted in earlier posts that she had written hundreds already. She is cracking but she can't face that she chose yet another bad man for herself.

The wisest is from this woman:

PS It is not normal or typical or ordinary to have a list of women who hate you either. Look in the mirror! Who has a list like this? Or a blog like this. You still have not taken any ownership for the deep hurt you caused people. Reading here, I think that is what just infuriates people. Why don't you see that?? Howie, this is your doing, all of this. Yours alone. I don't know any other man who has a blog like this, do you? Please try to look at yourself and be real and get some help! And just ignore all of this. Work on yourself. Be honest.

Good gracious! Maybe Nancy can help Howie into therapy since she is a believer in therapy.

And from this woman:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm done "playing." As I've said in previous posts, he's not worth the trouble and this blog is just a car wreck.
To the women who posted honestly about their experiences, best wishes to you. If you survived Howie, then there's nothing in this world you can't survive.
To the "friend" having fun playing, your friendship is toxic.
To Howie, you do need help, and I hope you get it.
To Nancy, if you are the one who can truly help him, more power to you.
I had completely moved on when I found this blog. The blog just stirred up old hurts and anger. But reading it also proved theraputic. I'm done. Now and for good.

Anonymous said...

This is Nancys writing and her post:

if anyone knows who is Lisa S her whole name go to "don't date her" and put her information up there. I think someone said her email is cyberstalker ? right? if you know her email put it up there since she is what gives women a bad name when she never even knew Howie. wE don't need help like hers.

and this one too.
isn't it sad that she is so mentally disturbed? she always has been folks. she just doesn't want to admit she has done this again, it is her life long pattern:

this his Howie's wife, no not really it's Lisa S, no no... just kidding. It's the 'other lisa."
No! It's his friend from college, no. this time i'll write like I'm a girl from the 90s. No, stop it. I'm just kidding. It's Nanc. no its me pretending to be someone who knew him in the 80s. Oh I can pretend to be lots of people how easy it is to type whatever I want.

Anonymous said...

95% of the letters written today were by Nan herself, outraged, freaking, upset, and scared. She has a way of thinkin she is clever and then plans fall through. Hasn't it always been that way Nanc? Even in high school? Caught another bad fish, huh Nan?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All these attacks on Lisa S. today. The attackers are doing a good job distracting the rest of us that the enemy is HOWIE!

Anonymous said...

whoever claims to attribute some posts to Nancy is mistaken and probably Lisa who can't stand it that someone thinks she's a piece of work.
I posted several of those you said were Nanc or Nancy and I don't even known the woman. So once again people guessing things on here. Is it impossible to accept you don't know something. just eating at you? easier to make up more nutty things.

people will stop at nothing trying to create their own truth. in this case lisa is trying to ride the coat tails of other people to get their own attention.

but if its really true you know the woman why are you on here saying shit about her? If you think she is mental then you must not be a friend. And who cares if she's mental apparetnly you don't. Who knows people on here are just seemingly on here to get attention. now you want to claim know her for years. That's just rich.

Anonymous said...

are you the lady who wrote hundreds of posts and wanted to marry howie but he said no and called you a cyberstalker?

sorry hon, mistaking your posts for nans...
you sound like nan.i said it sounded like her, i didnt say it was for sure her and yea i know her for years n years , never said i was a freind, and i am tired if her martyr games.. soon she'll be runnin home (again) complaining about yet another bad egg of a man

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All these attacks on Lisa S. today. The attackers are doing a good job distracting the rest of us that the enemy is HOWIE!

Anonymous said...

I am embarassed to be part of something and now wish I never had where people hurls insults at

others and all this nastiness. Last night I asked myself how much better off am I now that I've

been on here and i'm not. I have read the book "the secret" and believe in it a lot and encourage

you to read it. last night after getting angry at whoever discounted what I had to write on here

guessing it was someone else or whatever, I wondered what I am doing to myself with all this.

Nothing good i know with getting made at people who don't know me or me them.

And there is something better to living than writing about what someone else's life is doing. i'm

becomeing some kind of gawker. I think its bad actually here. we're writing about them but they are

out there living. If Howard has found someone got him out of the computer and he is living a real

life now then I wish them well and I hope whatever he's figured out that he will learn to live a

happy life. And while I don't know her I started wondering if she is a loser and even starting

writingn about and realized this is not my life! This blog is actually bringing nothing good to my

mind. its become a meaningless chatroom where I am participating in a lot of ugliness and hope I

don't end up facing the ugly things I've written here. I would not wish that on anyone.I would

rather wish them well. who am I to say I know their life.

Anonymous said...

you should be embarrassed

and it is obvious who you are to just about anyone

and lotsa lotsa people read and write here; some wanted to share really what happened to them, not to cause problems but u couldnt let that happen could you. u thought it was justa about trashin Howie but that is not it, you just dont get it but maybe someday when its you that is hurtin bad, you will, and not hurtin out of embarrasment. you made this blog about you , and dragged yourself in, it never was supposed to be about you, you arent even important in the reasoning for starting this blog, not one ounce of the equation

get some help

Anonymous said...

What? The last post apparently thinks my posting belongs to someone else? I find it interesting you discount what I wrote because you don't like it? I am the woman who has been his friend for many years and like it or not this isn't Howard or his girlfriend. Get a grip, your anger needs to be checked so you don't end up a bitter old person.
None of this is relevant anyway for a lot of reasons and since he isn't dating anymore and hasn't been for soem time I've come to wonder what you're really up to. I read his girlfriend's journal and sure looks like they've been together awhile now so what are you writing about?

Maybe you realize this is the closest you can get to him. I knew you wouldn't recognize the harm this online bitching is doing to you. your anger won't let you see that. If you put this much energy into something good and being grateful for your own life and what is actually relevant into your life and something useful you might solve things and end up better off. and again, go ahead and say this belongs to someone besides one of his dear friends. You dear need to figure out why you are doing this.

Anonymous said...

"She who laughs last need only smile"

Anonymous said...

Dear "friend of Howie's, This is not the same person, so don't bother attacking me too. I couldn't help but comment. I didn't even date Howie, but I know him and read here as others do.

i just have to say, I have read your rantings and you sound loony tunes beyond belief, with friends like you, who needs enemies, one moment you say Howie is your best friend, the next minute he is gay, the next minute you love him, then you slip and say someone is writing a book about you and him????

YOU SOUND NUTTIER than a Christmas fruitcake! I don't know who you are, but getting some help is a great suggestion for you!

from a casual tahoe observer....

Anonymous said...

I offered another view but you don't want to her anything good. I never said Howard is gay and the only person who wants to write a book is Lisa S and that's why she came on this site to get atention for herself. A book about me? what? You don't accept anything that doesn't fit what you want. I have not posted all the things you just said I did u assume too much. sounds like you support the idea of therapy. It makes more sense to you to say I sound nuttier than people who have pretneed to be lots of different people and spend hours online all day bitching. Live for you what you say and judge others to be. Read the book the secret.

Anonymous said...

"nanc" said...

Although it is a great way to get good material for a book we are working on together about how women try to control men throught sex (even fetishes) and how they have such a love/hate thing with men. How some of you thought you had a grip on him because you had this secret but you're mad to learn you didn't have a grip, you're not the only one and he chose someone else."

Anonymous said...

who are you to say what I wrote and didn't/ You're assigning the groups of things to some people and others. who is fucked up ? you for trying to guess who is writing what and then say its his girlfriend or friend. this is all a bunhc of shit ill say tht . theres even someone on here who says she knows nanc for years but istn a friend then who is tht a fmily member. how shitty is that somepne whos known her for years said 'for sur' things are her writing then changed her mind and now some rae mine or not and some are his or not. For christ's sake this is all malarky. people trying to be close to someone they think will get them attention. THAT IS SICK!

Anonymous said...

"people trying to be close to someone they think will get them attention" WOW who but a narcissist would say that about this blog?

Must be Howie writing too....because really would anyone consider writing a book about Nancy? "A book about me? what?" That "me" is probably Howie writing.....

Anonymous said...

It really is a mentally sick and demented way to think. Oh right, we get so much attention by posting anonymously on a blog. And oh yeah, we so so badly want to be close to Howie? Oh so badly we want him! A man who lied to us and treated us badly and also wanted us to sit on mice, kittens and puppies for sexual pleasure. Give me a break! See a therapist for God's sake.

Anonymous said...

One who condones evil is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it.
(Martin Luther King, Jr. )

Anonymous said...

Of course Howie is writing on this blog. I've recognized his writing style or phrases that he uses several times, and have remarked upon it. He LOVES to see his name in print. He LOVES attention. Here is a blog devoted to him. He can't stay away.
As for his ex-girlfriends, online girlfriends, etc. wanting him -- what a JOKE! Whatever feelings any of us had for Howie were stomped to death -- by Howie himself.
The only feeling I have toward him now is disgust. Nancy can keep him -- permanently.

Anonymous said...

Is this a joke?

It has to be...It is ridiculous, who would even believe a word of it?

Anonymous said...

And this??

This one is the funniest of them all....:

President Bush's law?

Anonymous said...

She seems to think he is some kind of Dr. McDreamy almost that all women want. That is ridiculous and just so untrue. I never saw woman treat Howie like that. Women were friendly but he loves it, invites it, and thrives on attention.

Her blog is weird. I can't imagine writing about my private relationship on the internet even if someone said something bad about my man.

And she expects there won't be anonymous comments on blogs. Unrealistic. When people did put their names here they were attacked. Other people she guessed about it and was wrong a lot too. Can't win with that one. She needs to get some hobbies and a life besides Howie.

Anonymous said...

That survivors' blog which emphasises that "NO ANONYMOUS POSTINGS ARE PERMITTED HERE" was put up by an anonymous person. What more is there to say?

Anonymous said...

i think she/he likes the attention or they would just let it go.

the whole point is that he mistreated many women in his past and has no regrets or insight about it. she does not help that. she is a not too smart. he lies, he is phony, he is not a good guy, he has a crush fetish. those things arent changed by the blogs they start. they look obvious as hell, self centered and foolish

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Howie Nave (s'noskcaJ leahciM flipside)Yes I admit it.I did time with him and his strange ideas. yes everyone has the same Howie's Tahoe Latex Cooties. (Howie's TLC) yuck.the mouse under a glass table getting crushed by my butt and then the blood bursting all over the place. He isn't trying to harm anyone by telling you that you are the only one. That is just part of his package. He is just doing the best he can in regards to sex as the rest of us picture it. He left off at pre-pube. His kisses reminded me of my grandmother. He was a great hugger, though. I hope that his "girlfriend/escort/makebelieve lover" is into voyerism. If she is still with him, she can enjoy those photos better that I could. I cried and cried and cried. I remember saying one time "Is that my butt?" He said "uh,huh..." it wasn't. oh well. Sorry you all went through that too. It is a shame.I moved and moved on to BDSM with a really manly man. Kind of think I'd like to tie howie up with some spandex and flog him til he ... (oh, yeah..he doesn'tdo that.) howie is what he is. We were all there for some reason. Maybe just to appreciate our next boyfriends. I do. Everyone of us should get together and have a "latex pants with rear zippers no back pockets and wear mouse ears parade" up and down the sidewalk at harvey's. you know, make lemonade out of a lemonhead. Heck there are probably a lot of women who would be jealous not to be in our club..and just think we could recruit ladies for the two of them. he is one loose mouse crusher who will never change. Hey we can also have a send howie your used latex pants benifit during the parade.a "send Howie latex pants campaign?" P.S. Don't foget the pumps.
1girly1 who is now with 1manly1

Anonymous said...

What a great posting...It is so funny. I want IN on the parade and send Howie latex pants campaign. FUNNY.

I have a great guy too. What a difference being with a giver, not a taker. And a man with a very high and sensual sex drive who truly cares about me and my needs as well as his own. Night and day.

It is sad though Howie does not really GET the harm he did psychologically to many women and his girlfriend does not help. He needs psychiatric help and how great if she had encouraged that instead of choosing to indulge him in his sickness and cover up of what he did. He is a sick guy.

Anonymous said...

Door #1 - Girlfriend
Door #2 - Escort
Door #3 - make believe lover

Geez it's gotta be #2

She's probably not make believe but being on Howie's payroll has got to be the only explaination for her/their behavior. It is just so NOT the way normal couples or even strange but real couples behave.

Anonymous said...

She has to be paid. PR, publicity or escort. I agree. It is too contrived.

Anonymous said...

she HAS to be a paid person. what female in her right mind would dismiss the sick fetishes? sitting /stomping on mice, gerbils, kittens and puppies? smashing the life out of them as sexual pleasure? it is sick & how could any normal human ignore that unless he did get help which is doubtful.

she has a post on her blog saying why on earth would Howie's Ex's look at her blog? of course they look. it is a show now, better than tv even. what a story. she invites it. & he must love it being an egomaniac and all. her website is so phony she has to be being paid to do this or shes dumber than a doorknob.

Anonymous said...

morbid curiosity can be very cathartic

Anonymous said...

I also think they are confusing human visits with link checker visits. Lisa S

Anonymous said...

what is that, what do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Link Checkers are utility programs that you can install on your computer that will automatically check for broken links in your bookmarks and html pages. When you run the program it uses your computer (and IP address) to visit every link in a site you are working on or your bookmarks or specific files etc. and then it creates a report of the broken links it found so they can be removed or changed etc. I run these programs very often when I'm working on projects.

There are also programs that will monitor sites for updates, so you don't have to check yourself to see if someone has made a posting.

If you google the works "link check" you find all sorts of info plus free programs you can download yourself if you have the need.

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

the mouse and animal crushing is very strange. i don't get how that be sexual thrill for anyone. i wonder if they do it, or just talk in fantasy about it. good he is off the net. he never told me about that stuff, just mind games, lots of em. at least hope he is off the net

pixie said...

Here's my experience w/that stupid asshole. I flew out to meet him a while back. We had emailed for a long time and talked on the phone. He invited me out and I only wanted to stay a few days. He wooed the hell out of me. talked about how beautiful I was. Loved the fact I was hispanic and naturally loved my ass too. SO I met up with him. The night before was when he mentioned the animal crushing shit. I wanted to DIE. I thought he had been kidding because I went along with it. Then when he mentioned "I thought i'd pick up a rat." "What do you think?" I DIED! He told me he wasn't kidding the whole time. It was real and like you girls "This is the first time I thought about this." I had you in mind the whole time. I was freaked out and had 2nd thoughts about going out. But I was smitten by him. I missed my van and didn't set my alarm correctly. I made my plane, but my luggage did not. I was a basketcase. I was SO afraid. Not sure how he was going to react w/me. HE mentioned marrying me...can you believe that shit? He told me I was the one...He introduced me as his girlfriend. I did have a good time w/him, except for the time we went to dinner. He was too f-ing hyper. He couldn't relax. HE got pissed at me because I interrupted him. SO naturally I got real quiet and he apologized. Remember that howie? I'm sure you're reading this. Like you girls the emails dwindled down. I was stupid enough to send him a b-day gift and all along he had "Nancy" his latest conquest, WHO btw sure has gained a lot of weight along w/HOWIE who has blossomed to a rather rotund fella. I sure am not sure what I ever saw in him? I think perhaps I was "caught up" in the entertainment hoopla. I even mentioned that if he lived in Nebraska I probably wouldn't even give him the time of day. I think he thought I only liked him because he lived in Tahoe. I think he's probably right. Anyway out of the blue he called me. he wanted me to know he was dating. Well I made sure I told him I wasn't home darning SOCKS ya know. There were so many lies that I found out about. He lied about his age...HE's 5 yrs older than he said he was. Another thing that pissed me off. He told me he bought me these blue spandex pants and would I please put them on. They were USED HOWIE and disgusting! I never mentioned it to you but that grossed me out. HE had a drawer just for me so I could leave my "things" when I visited next. Which thank GOD I never DID. SO I went to Tahoe a while back and looked for him at the IMPROV. This cocktail waitress asked me if I needed help finding someone. I said "I wanna see Howie." SHE rolled her eyes and said "EW HIM?" SO Howie your fan-base isn't all that and a bag of chips. He took me to see the new house he was going to buy. Asked my opinion. THe weirdest thing was when He BBQ'd me a steak. He did not allow me to have a knife? WHat did he think? he cut my steak for me, which I thought was wack-o. Oh yeah I waited around to see him at the IMPROV. I was pretty drunk ( had to get my nerve up). I just wanted closure ya know? He was dead in my book. I shoved him on the shoulder. HI ....First thing out of his mouth. "I got fat didn't I?" I said no. (I lied) tit for tat ya know? HE then introduced me to Nancy. She friggin has hands like a man. Not very feminine. I feel sorry for her not him. Is she that desperate? Good lord. Get out while you can is my advice to you honey. I guess we all have that stupid time in our lives. That was my big giant mistake. Oh and I've met a wonderful man too Howie...Not a liar, a super guy who isn't a kinky nut-wad. Oh yeah I remember seeing a box from PITA sitting on your table. Wonder WTF was in that box? A rat? You disgust me.

Anonymous said...

He is kind of sick with killing and smashing the animals. When I was with him I made sure not to show him my puppy at the time.

Anonymous said...

the part about nancy having man hands is too dang funny. he did the same thing to me; yelled at me for interrupting me and now that i think about it he cut my steak too. did he do the same things over and over with every woman he meets? used blue pants-i had the darn things too-GROSS. he wanted to marry you? on the first date. darn psycho. he called you tell you he was dating? how f weird is that!

what a pleasure it is to be with a normal man who loves sex, can have sex, knows how to do it and wants to do it a lot (without talk of smashing animals or other odd things) someone who knows how to kiss and touch a woman and wants her naked instead of wearing tight blue USED pants. plus someone who does not lie. how revolutionary

he is a sick sob

pixie said...

Personally I am starting to think Nancy is his beard? He can't get it up no matter what you do. He stuck his face in my butt for about a half hr. I was bored to death. IF I had a remote control I'd be watching TV. He talked constantly about marrying me. Took me to the Tea house to show me where we would be married. I told him, "OH right like our Mom's would be able to climb up this damn mtn?" Asked me how big of a wedding I wanted. Told me WHO his best man would be...etc. I was SO not interested in marrying anybody, believe me...My friends/sisters thought I had lost it. What did I see in him they wanted to know? IF you really look at him he isn't that attractive. His body has no muscle tone. He has thick, unmuscled legs, doesn't work out, eats like shit...VERY unhealthy. His Strawberry Margaritas are so womanly...I do know he needs to get checked for sleep apnea. He snores like a damn mac truck, then he quits breathing. Nancy you may want to take him to the doctor so he can wear that apparatus on his big giant jew nose. He needs a nose job so he can breath better I'm thinking? I think like I said I was obviously caught up in the limelight stuff of it all, PERIOD. He used to send me pics of high heeled pumps, but his taste is not good at all. I (like an ass) brought along black cute spiky heels. Mind you I would NEVER EVER go along w/his sick/twisted ways EVER. I swear I thought he was just saying those things as a joke. WHO in the hell would actually carry out that crap? HE did mention to me that if he DID find someone who was like that, he'd have to say goodbye to me...SO I'm thinking ol' Nanc is the one. She has children too if you can believe that she would go along w/that mess? YES he did tell me he was dating someone, which was thoughtful...but like I said I'd NEVER EVER wait for his ass anyway. And how lovely to be in a normal, healthy relationship. The only reason I found this blog was because I always look at the Tahoe Tribune...I love Tahoe and noticed an article about how he was banned from Radio for 3 days because of a sexual thing he said on air. Some woman complained about it. Gee I wonder what he said? When I talked to him about the "crushing" shit he begged me to NOT ever PLEASE disguss this w/anybody. I was mortified and was embarrassed, but eventually I did tell people who was just as disgusted as all of us? YES I did have a slight low part in my life (Howie)...but I've gotten over that mess quickly.

Anonymous said...

nanc is his beard? waht does that mean

true he mentioned to me marrying at that tea house too

and the used blue pants-ick how embarrassed i am now that i fell for all that

Anonymous said...

1. Beard 816 up, 101 down

Any opposite sex escort taken to an event in an effort to give a homosexaul person the apperance of being out on a date with a person of the opposite sex.

Half of the women on the red carpet at the movie premier were not real dates, but beards.


Anonymous said...

ya it makes sense, she his his beard, man hands and all

Anonymous said...

well this is dang true.. howard does take an awful lot of pics with him and various females and they are everywhere to show the world how much he dates.....he haz no idea how obvious it is. sad. nanc only became serious when he needed it for the public eye. wonder how much sex she is gettin. i doubt much

40 up, 54 down

A common word used to address a homosexual's female friend who he takes around town; he normally calls this companion his "girlfriend" to prove to the world that he is a masculine, football watching, titty grabbing heterosexual male. Although, he may think that this so called 'image' is working, he's actually fooling himself. It's completely obvious to on-lookers that he is a flamboyant homo. Gayer than a chihuahua in pink shades.

Here are some warning signs that you may be a beard...

1. He wears more makeup than you.
2. He looks fucking FIERCE in pictures 'cause he smiles wit' his eyes.
3. Uses bronzer as blush
4. Plucks his own eyebrows and his eyebrows look more groomed than yours.
5. Stands with hands on his hips.

Anonymous said...

"In gay slang, a beard is a companion of the opposite sex used to hide a homosexual's sexuality by appearing in public as if the two were a heterosexual couple. The term originated in the mid-1960s and is derived from the notion that a man with a woman on his arm looks more masculine, like a man with a beard."

pixie said...

DID you read HER blog? She comments a lot about other women and all the pictures and the tea house, etc. HE obviously needs new material. HE does the same old shit w/everybody. I can't believe how I made excuses in my head for him? Like I said I obviously had a low point in my life to do that. The first time he called me I thought..."OMG that voice is just awful! It's SO high. I can't imagine introducing my family to him. What would they think? AND the funny part about all the lies and shit he told me is unreal. HE was going to Vegas for a gig at the Improv at Harrahs and kept telling me he wanted ME to go with him. SO naturally I told my friends cause I was so excited. IN her blog she talks about how they went to Vegas. Funny because he never mentioned it again to me. WHEN HE was in Canada (I think visiting another gal) he sent me postcards. He spent Christmas w/Nancy and sent me a Christmas card? I NEVER EVER persued him. I never bombarded him w/emails. I simply waited for HIM to write me first. Then when the emails stopped (as you all mentioned) I sent him ONE last email telling him it was nice knowing him and good luck,etc....HE write me back saying, "What are you talking about? I'm sorry but I've been so busy." Again luring me back into that distusting web. I have been wanting to move to Tahoe forever EVEN before I met this jerk...SO I mentioned something about that and he kept telling me..."OH it's really hard to live here...the jobs are scarce, they don't pay well, etc..." All the while he was obviously wooing that Nancy chick...SO I didn't bother w/him and visa-versa....THEN like I said, "Out of the blue he writes me and calls me to inform me he is dating." THEN I get this email about his NEW DVD (I'm repeating myself)...and on the DVD is that pic of them? SO I'm thinking hum...what's w/that? THEN attached is the myspace acct information w/loads of pics of them? By then I was pretty much over him...but I keep thinking to myself over and over...DOES she do the DEED? Like you other girls he told me his life story (all lies) about how he hasn't had sex in 2 yrs, was married to Janese, but he never loved her. They went to college together and he thought he could grow to love her. He introduced me to Rocky his best friend...called his Mom to tell her about me, etc...Loved the fact I was a Republican like HIM...Anyway enough of my ranting...and I'm sorry I mentioned his Jewish Nose...that was rude of me...I was just kinda pissed off that's all. It's just all so weird to me. OH and I met this girl out where I live and she told me she lived in Tahoe for 6 yrs. I mentioned HOWIE and she looked at me and said, "YOU knew him? I thought he was GAY?" Maybe he is Asexual...Andy Warhol was asexual..into themselves...He used to tell me how he would wake up w/a hardon thinking about me and those mice and that glass table, etc...I feel like I could just PUKE thinking of all that shit he told me...HE even told me he was never molested as a kid and he doesn't know WHY he thinks the way he does...OH and he took me out on a boat ride and I swear to gawd I thought he was trying to kill me because I knew of his little secret...He drove SO damn fast I finally said, "WOULD you just SLOW down!" I was scared to death...OUT in the middle of the lake I just pictured myself flying overboard...That f-ing asshole...Well I do believe in Karma and he used to say all his success can easily go down the drain...He was handpicked by the owner of the Improv...etc...Did anybody ever find out WHY he got banned from KRLT for 3 days? I'd SURE like to know what sexual thing he said? You know maybe this is like a stupid therapy session writing this crap to get it off your chest? Cause I don't think we need to spend anymore useless energy on that dickhead ya know? OK my ranting is over...

Anonymous said...

Howie stop calling Pixie "anti - semitic white trash" and stop it with the lies about car salesmen say anti-semitic things to you too. That story on your blog is just another lie. I know because you told me the same story, different version. It's just an excuse to retell a clever line, which is not so clever when it's not spontaneous, not true, and stirs up imaginary hatred. That's just another thing you should be ashamed of.

Anonymous said...

You know what is SO f-ing hilarious about all this crap? HE has done this to so many people (The same OLD material) he has no idea who we are? Which one(s) are we? I sure as hell hope he reads these. Nancy you are an ENABLER and remember he probably told all of us, "I need someone who is going to NURTURE me." HE doesn't give a rats ass about anybody but himself? I can't believe he even has a dog? That's why Nancy moved in to take care of the dog cause I'm sure he doesn't. And that stupid picture of him w/the lamshade on his head like his dogs is SO asshole-ish! Seems to me that Nancy isn't going to be able to take all that for long. What about your needs Nancy? He sleeps all weekend long and you wait on him hand and foot. WHere is your pride and who waits on you? NOBODY that's who...Its all ME, ME, ME w/that asshole.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm thinking he must pay her a pretty penny to be his "beard." She is probably his assistant. Acts like she is a girlfriend, throws parties for him, accompanies him to functions. REMEMBER when you said "I think it would be so great to be 2 ICONS of Lake tahoe and everybody thinks we're so great as a couple and then I can give you the eye and we can quietly leave the event to go and make our movie. Nobody would EVER know would they. Just our little secret.

Anonymous said...

well...he is still dating or trying others then nancy, she just doesn't know it or she is a fake. he wrote me and called me recently and i told him i had found this blog and i could not believe what was on it. what an asswipe. i knew about her sort of, but he told me that he was getting tired of her and didn't know how to get rid of her. he said she was unimportant

so maybe she is just a cover. i was shocked to hear from him. he mentioned the movie again too. it is sick. he never could get it up with me at all either and not for lack of trying. i told him no more after reading all the shit on here

holy moly

Anonymous said...

I totally believe you. He has a twisted mind. HE told me once about comics and how they are different. I think a lot of them are deranged, suicidal (He told me once to tried to do that. I doubt it)You know like that song he wrote? Well he told me that Andy Kaufman used to get a total hardon when he'd wrestle women and would end up taking them to bed. NOW Andy Kaufman was a weirdo like Howie and told me SOMEONE said he was just like him. "Oh i felt like that was a compliment!" They don't even compare at all. I can see him getting tired of someone. That's how he is. I think he likes challenge and Nancy you're too nice and probably wait on him hand and foot and he IS bored. You moved out there for him? Oh dear gawd! Find someone who loves you as the person you probably are. You took care of 2 kids and now you got #3 Howie. Where is your attention? I bet it doesn't matter what you wear, how you fix your hair, etc. He won't even notice. He's a deranged asshole who has a dick like a deflated sipping straw! You'd think he'd at least try some Viagra for your sake. But he doesn't care about your needs. You may get a bit of attention now and then like a gift for a holiday, but come on Nancy. You are a woman (you have emotions, you think w/your heart). You are NOT going to get squat from Howie believe me. YES he dishes it out bit by bit now and then. Why take scraps? You're only kidding yourself. He has crazy eyes. Look at them.

Anonymous said...

All lies put out by biter women.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you'd get off of the floor, off of your protruding GUT and go exercise instead of writing all your crap to girls about your disgusting ways your heart won't wear out? Remember fat boy that you have that sleep apnea and well you're one snore away from hell I'm predicting? Maybe all those animals you wanna kill will bite you to bits. Give you rabies and put US out of our misery? Just a thought you winey-voiced a-sexual freak.

Anonymous said...

a series??? Since when did Howie wait for one exchange to end before starting a new one?

Anonymous said...

that was on his blog recently?

that is the funniest thing i have ever seen

the one thing anyone knows about howie if they have spent anytime with him is that he has zero (ZERO) insight into himself, and zero compassion for anyone else either

what kind of a guy gets off sexually on the crushing of animals, but isn't excited by the gal sitting next to him

yet we are the bitter ones! hahahaha....that is hysterical

a series of hit and run relationships? run run run to a shrink Howie. you need serious psychiatric treatment

and ladies leave poor Nanc alone, if she doesn't get it by now she never will. she is hopeless-WHY do you think sheis still with him. if you had seen this blog before dating him, would you have dated him? DUH no!! Well she moved in with him reading all of this and simply said all the other women before here were pieces of shit and she is the special one. don't waste your breath helping her out. i believe she may be perfect for him. he needs someone so stupid and clueless

Anonymous said...

i am sure howie wrote the 'biter' comment

what a sad sick man he is

he treats tons and tons of women like dirt, but none of it is his fault of course, it is just all lies

he lied to numerous women, said the same sick things to all of them, almost exactly, the same crush fetish, the same used blue pants, the same tearoom photos, and on and on and on an on.

now he is caught with his pants down on a blog, yet it is still everyone's fault but his. that is the sick thing.

that is Howie, it never changes, it never will

i say great that it is all out in the open and he is caught in his web of lies; he deserves it. if he thinks hiding under nancy's skirt makes it any better, he is kidding himself.

so fucked up. he is sick. whenever i see there are more women he did the same thing to, he is lucky he hasn't had someone try to kill him to be honest

oh but then he would say it is a stalker and he did nothing of course

i feel sorry for nancy and so should all of you

Anonymous said...

Well check out the latest pictures of her from that party on the boat. She is looking rather haggard if you ask me. I don't know why I give a rats ass anymore, but after I found this blog on Monday I am getting MORE and MORE pissed off by the minute. Probably like all you girls are getting? I'm not going to beat myself up about it anymore about how STUPID and RETARDED I was for believing this. I remember how he would talk about just staying in his house for the WHOLE weekend w/no visitors nobody, just us. I guess I got caught up in all that. Perhaps I was feeling a bit insecure and when I met him he made me feel loved. Isn't that LAME! OMG I swear...HE is such an abuser. When you think about it. He lures you in, gives you compliments on how beautiful you are, how wonderful you are and then there's the butt issue. YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN HIM. Now mind you I'm not REAL fond of my ass and he picked out the one part of me I'm not real wild about and made it/me feel great. HE told me PLEASE DO NOT LOSE any weight! He guessed my weight to a T and said, "I'd even like it if you gained some weight...maybe 10 lbs." HELL NO...and you know what...I started thinking WOW maybe I should just forget about getting in shape. We ran into this gal at Harveys (very thin blonde woman) and she just looked at him like she missed him and he hugged her like you would hug your Mom. Then he whispered to me, "OH she was way too skinny for me, but everybody called us the POWER couple." He loved to tell you little things to get you jealous too. Like to keep you in line. He mentioned another girl to me that USED him just to stay at his house while she went skiing. "OH she called me and asked me for tickets to the show for her and her boyfriend." I thought that was funny. Then he said, "I can't believe she would do that and ohh but she had such a nice butt, darn." You know again to make you jealous? SO Howie last night I made love to my new boyfriend alllll night long. We got naked NAKED do you hear me...HE kissed every inch of me. I didn't have to wear some stupid spandex pants or some FRILLY Ruffly skirt w/WHITE underpants (big girl ones) w/nylons just to get him turned on. NOSIREE...He is ALL man, unlike yourself and doesn't friggin drink White Zinfandale...You closet Gay you. I even TOLD him about you and he said, "WTF? How come nobody has sued his ass yet or told it to the newspapers? "ANIMALS WHAT A PSYCHO!" And if you read Nancy's blog her last entry is odd. YOU can just see the difference in her writing. So it's obviously starting to put a strain on her. Trying to keep up that charade. Hell she's approaching 50. Maybe her menopausal self is kicking in and she doesn't require sex? You know I heard some women get that way. So she might just be the perfect match for Howie?

Anonymous said...

Yes it's out in the open but WHO is going to see it but us? Someone should email all his myspace friends and post this link. Starting w/Lisa Lampanelli who says he is a 10 in tahoe, but would only be a 2 in L.A. I love how he talks so much about other people. Putting them down for your enjoyment, when he is the sick nut-wad. Even his Mom he puts down. "I can only stand So much of her. Maybe just a few days. Then I put her up at the casino hotel." The stalking is what cracks me up. Who would do that? I can NOT believe he would say and do those things and nobody is going to blow the whistle? Then again he isn't MUCH of a celebrity to call the National Enquirer now is he? How about the Tahoe Daily Tribune? What about just emailing that guy who recently wrote a column about him about his new CD release party? then just add this link? What DO YOU THINK?

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is he leads a double life. You know how he is w/charities, and the community? Adding his TIME and what-not so everybody will think he's such a great guy. BUT deep into his twisted perverted mind is that other side of him. Isn't that creepy?

Anonymous said...

when i read your postings (pixie??) i feel your pain and anger. everything you wrote i could have written myself word for word for word for word for word for word-that is the sick thing!

you have every right to be angry, to be furious!

what a user manipulator sick bastard. how sick that he did the exact same thing with every single one of us, and then has the fucking nerve to call us stalkers or bitter. that is mental illness

i just looked at both their blogs and he is sicker than ever and she, well, i do not believe she is real and never have, no way can he have a real relationship that would be lasting. if she is real by some slight chance, i don't know how she can be so dumb, but i feel sorry for her because i was just as roped in. he does have a way of making you feel special. all the things you wrote are what he did with me too. the comments, the ass, the jealousy stuff. this is classic abuser behavior, it is mental manipulation. then to say you/we are only jealous, bitter or stalkers is really abusive beyond belief.

your ideas for getting the word out are good, go for it, he deserves it, he caused it, he is a manipulative bastard. go for it i say, each of us can do it in our own way, there are lots of ways to get the word out there if you want.....

Anonymous said...

pixie, what time period were u writing him and when about did you go up there. it sounds like it overlapped with me, that is why i ask

Anonymous said...

where does lisa lampanelli say that about him?

and what does nancy's latest blog entry say? I do not like to go look at it because frankly it makes me sick to my stomach; so if you would copy and paste the entry here, thank you

Anonymous said...

She is real I met her. I was emailing and what not when SHE started in the picture. Let me think when that was? I would say 2006? IF you read HER blog that's when I was involved w/him. But again I do not live there. I met w/him in person 2x's, but the emails and phone calls were long. AND I met him on match too. ASSHOLE! As for Lisa Lampanelli? Let's just say he talked SHIT about her too. He is the biggest 2-faced idiot in town. And look how FAT He's gotten? Those pics are not very becoming. PHOTOSHOP is what you need!

Anonymous said...

maybe might be interested.

John Fitzgerald Page has nothing on Howie.

Anonymous said...

Jealous much ladys?

Anonymous said...

here is a place you can write about him. he already has a record. do a search. they do not save your ip info either wipe it out every week

ps she might real, but that does not mean he is not paying her to be his "beard" who else would stay

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

For the sake of telling truths, until a few people started changing their IP addresses more than half came from the same computers pretending to be a lot more. “Pixie” claims to have just found this site, but actually the IP address is from Boeing Company likely where they work, and has posted on here many times before. What’s odd is she said she went to see them and had a few ‘drinks?’ just like nancy posted had happened when she said someone drunk had been there. Now, I don’t know about you, but if some chick came to see my boyfriend who says they were nice to you, “introducing me to nancy,” I think I’d have a much nastier response than they did. I have my own experience with meeting her and it was better than i would have been.Then you get on here and describe the scene hoping they’ll know it was you and claiming they are the jerks. Boeing girl, you sound hung up on the guy, especially since you wrote it wa s 2006 when you went to see him. If you ‘re ‘so happy now, “ getting fucked all night, your actions don’t say that because if I was getting fucked and happy with a guy, I sure as hell wouldn’t give it the time of day what some guy I thought was a ass was doing.

I knew him many years ago. We cybersex chatted about anything as nasty as we could make it off and on for years, what ever it took to get off, that’s what we would write I’m not embarrassed about any of it, it was fun, hot really. He never wrote as much other than, tell me more, tell me more and I’m sure he was at home getting off just like I was. We hooked up in person several times and dressed up for him and admit I liked whatever we did. I think it was about a year ago he told me he met this girl, didn’t say much but when he dropped off the planet I figured he was hooked on someone. We talked occasionally off and on and he would say he’s still with her, which was frankly surprising as he hadn’t had a long relationship. last fall I went to see him in tahoe and was surprised to find them together. They were both nice, introduced me to her and we actually stayed and chatted for while.And when cybersex chatting came up and he said he felt like a ‘jerk’ was the word he used for doing that. I realized how they click together kind of level headed. After knowing him for probably 8 years and being one of the many he dated I actually AM happy he found someone and knowing he was chatting with more than one at the same time, what the fuck, so was I. There are a lot of people out there talking some pretty nasty sexual shit. I encounted some guy who wanted me to describe making it with a horse and other male animals. Another guy came on quiet but turned out into all kinds of violence during sex he made him hotter he said, scared the shit out of me. I always thought Howie was harmless because he was basiclly not too experienced so yeah, I’ve written on here and said some things you agreed with and some For the sake of telling truths, until a few people started changing their IP addresses more than half came from the same computers pretending to be a lot more. “Pixie” claims to have just found this site, but actually the IP address is from Boeing Company likely where they work, and has posted on here many times before. What’s odd is she said she went to see them and had a few ‘drinks?’ just like nancy posted had happened when she said someone drunk had been there. Now, I don’t know about you, but if some chick came to see my boyfriend who says they were nice to you, “introducing me to nancy,” I think I’d have a much nastier response than they did. I have my own experience with that.Then you get on here and describe the scene hoping they’ll know it was you and claiming they are the jerks. You do sound hung up on the guy, especially since you wrote it wa s 2006 when you went to see him. If you ‘re so happy now getting fucked all night you dont sound like because if I was getting fucked and happy with a guy I sure as hell wouldn’t be on this site in the morning giving it the time of day what some guy I thought was a ass was doing. Id be back in bed : )

I knew him many years ago. We cybersex chatted about anything as nasty as we could make it off and on for years, what ever it took to get off, that’s what we would write I’m not embarrassed about any of it, it was fun, hot as all get out thats why i kept coming back for more. He never wrote as much other than, tell me more, tell me more and I’m sure he was at home getting off just like I was. We hooked up in person several times and dressed up for him and admit I liked whatever we did and he didn't have a limp problem with me wasn't very experiened but we sure played around and for all the men i've been with he wasn't the worst wasn't the best. I think it was about a year ago he told me he met this girl, didn’t say much but when he dropped off the planet I figured he was hooked on someone. We talked occasionally off and on and he would say he’s still with her, which was frankly surprising as he hadn’t had a long relationsheps. last fall I went to see him in tahoe and they were both ther he introduced me to her and we actually stayed and chatted for while. And when cybersex chatting came up and he said he felt like a ‘jerk’ was the word he used for doing that and apologized to me which I didn't need (didn't want to say how much i liked it) I realized how they click together kind of level headed. After knowing him for probably 8 years and being one of the many he dated I actually AM happy he found someone and hes rather settled it seems.

for me knowing he was chatting with more than one at the same time, what the fuck, so was I. There are a lot of people out there talking some pretty nasty sexual shit. I encounted some guy who wanted me to describe making it with a horse and other male animals. Another guy came on quiet but turned out into all kinds of violence during sex he said it made it hotter for him, scared the shit out of me. I always thought Howie was harmless because he was basiclly not too experienced but we definately enjoyed each other. I’ve written on here before and said some things you agreed with and some you haven’t but after all this time, they’re still together, I hope they are fucking each others brains out and if not, they so be it, its their deal. If you’re not over it by now, there’s lots more guys out there. and some admittidly, better than him in ways. By the way, I'm not slamming anyone for being hurt by a shitty man lord knows we've all been burned by an asshole or two or 20 but he was never the wrost, i've met a plenty who have sleep with the town never letting me know, and been a girl one guy visited every time in town didnt know he had 20 of thosee. from all that i can't fault a guy for getting off with me and then finding someone to settle with. at least hes settled and just with one. hope they make it . anyone know a good guy out there

Anonymous said...

oh shit i accidentally posted that kinda twice in the same box. but wtf, you can read it. seriously if anyone does know some good dating sites i'm back to looking again and since you all did the internet thing, i'm bored with match and aol.

Anonymous said...

i think it is ole nanc writing...she is the one who supposedly learned how to change her ip address, didn't ya nanc? she claims to be an expert even

i love how poor nanc justifies everything. pathetic

Anonymous said...

its poor nanc? too hard to think its a real person with a real thought or opinion differnt than yours.
I thought nanc wasn't real tho? which is it?
You show your foolishness whenever there is a post you don’t like you say its them of it can’t be real or everyone else is lying except you whatever. IP addresses are traceable as a few know who started changing them and others who claim to follow them but the Scottsdale and boeing person haven’t changed theirs so easy to follow. But bullshit? That’s your shit and must have hit close to home. Seems like anyone who has a different feeling than you have to challege because you don’t like someone saying something different? You said it was one of them who posted the anti-semitic comment or that other comment about being jealous because you just can’t accept people’s different thoughts about their own experiences. You can’t tell me what I feel about any of it. This is like I remember when you accused one of them or may be both to be posting a ton of shit turns out they were on a trip, I thought that was hilarious and laughed when someone else pointed out how foolish that was. Your guessing it must be them whenever someone else posts something of a different thought shows how you can’t stand other truths. Not everyone agrees with your view of things but that doesn’t fit what you want to hear ? I for one meant what I wrote and plenty of people saw me talking to them so its easy to prove I was there and I’ve got a lot of emails to prove we wrote and how hot and heavy we got , didn’t you/
Apparently You like to rant to stir things up yet when someone has a point you can’t accept as true you just say its not true as if all your shit is totally truthful. So what you don’t like what I have to say, I don’t care. I’lol have to agree with the person who said you must have some hang ups (jewish hatred or jealous or just a hanger on whatever it is it just your opinion and this is mine. Who the fuck cares anyway. He’s been busy with another woman for seems like more than a year now so he’s off the market. I’m glad I’ve at least grown up enough to not live in bitterness like you seem to and I admit I enjoyed the guy. go figure why its hard so get over someone you didn’t fuck and seem to hate that’s the easy ones to get over. Try getting over the love of your life that is the hard stuff. Id think I’ll change my mind you must be jealous, went to see him met nancy and they didn’t knock your teeth out so it probably was like my time and now he’s a shit. Doesn’t make sense. Funny how you don’t like what they are writing about but you’re still reading it and reading all about him and writing on here about how you didn’t get fucked by the guy whatever. You said he loved you are mexian ? don’t spics hate jews? But, that’s my opinion and like assholes we all have one. So whats your asshole opinion now?

Anonymous said...

i know it is you howie/nanc based on your ip address. i have access to google web stats because of who i work for

it is NOT, i repeat NOT possible for YOU to get IP addresses on a google blog site unless you started the site or work for google

i work in IT and there is no way

there is only one way that it would be possible. and that would be if you started the blog yourself and are the one who put google analytics on here. so are you the person who started this blog?

NO i know who you are and much of what you saying is lies. i monitor this site for the good of females in Tahoe and i have counted 15 or more different people on here in the past days. but you can't tell who writes, only who reads

who is the asshole now baby, take some viagra or come out of the closet and maybe you wouldn't need to harrass females on the internet, everyone in town knows about it

Anonymous said...

Who is telling more lies now? you're fucking nuts. whos the freak? someone pretending to be something youre not? if you can read its saturday night at about 10 pm and howie would be on stage so whos telling lies now? so easy to change the Ip and be 15 different people or 100 isn't it?
your amusing it freaks you out this much that someone disagrees with your statements? youre' the only one who could be IT? just as I said you would you can only try and say i'm not real? can't do better than that? can't handle that I got no problem with the guy. maybe you're not real either. if you know all that about ips you're probably the one whos changed it more than anyone else to make it look like more. your just proving what I said was true. he's moved onto someone a long time ago and you want to get back at him. you say your're tracking ips too? a little obsessed ? got nuthin better to do on a saturday night? no one to take you out and fuck you hard so you're sitting by your computer just waiting to see what I'll write? it matters to you that much?

i already admitted I'm looking for a guy. I'm online tonight going through the personals and looking for a guy to do some hot and heavy cyber chat. I don't have a date and you've become some fun entertainment tonight. Your hot shit you think right? your the only one with the answers, you the boss at work? telling others what to do, middle age huh?

keep the lies coming someone believes you, or better yet change your iP and post your own reply, you like doing that

Anonymous said...


i know it is you howie/nanc based on your ip address. i have access to google web stats because of who i work for

it is NOT, i repeat NOT possible for YOU to get IP addresses on a google blog site unless you started the site or work for google

i work in IT and there is no way

there is only one way that it would be possible. and that would be if you started the blog yourself and are the one who put google analytics on here. so are you the person who started this blog?

NO i know who you are and much of what you saying is lies. i monitor this site for the good of females in Tahoe and i have counted 15 or more different people on here in the past days. but you can't tell who writes, only who reads

Anonymous said...

Lord the person who was just writing is severely severely mentally ill

she/he says that people who have posted here are jealous of howie and his girlfriend and that is why they posted. and that they have no right at all to be angry at him. that is sick. nobody wrote because they were jealous or because they still wanted howie or because they didn't have sex with him. that is a very disturbed way of thinking. only nancy has been the one to say these things when she came on accused everyone.

people were angry because howie lied to them and for other legitimate reasons. only a very sick or guilty person would keep blaming women who were hurt by someone and say the things you are saying. you are ill. get some help for God's sake.

and who gives a darn that you had sex with him and it was good. who cares. do you think it makes people jealous? only a sick coldhearted mind would think that way or say such things to women who had been hurt by someone.

why are you so angry. you sound sick beyond words. defensive, cold, inhumane, maybe even like someone who likes to crush animals, huh?

no women would ever write like you just have no way

this blog is howies fault - he caused this- and you can say what you want but it doesn't erase the 700 posts there or the FACTS that he hurt many people.

Anonymous said...

You got it all wrong most of the shit i was posting was to some bitch who thinks she knows everything which had little to with howie. If you read what I wrote way earlier I said I wasn’t slamming anyone for being hurt by some shitty stuff a man did to them and I also said its happened to me aplenty. I was writing about what I did with him and he was never the worst guy I’ve been with that’s what I said and I agree with the person posting a few people are sounding a little snively and whiny now that hes with someone else. When women get to bitching about shit like who a guy is dating now but trying to boast they know whether or not hes really a lousy fuck its like reading the same blogs people write about everyone else they fucked or didn’t. I know the guy pretty well after 8 years and he was a hard nut to crack and a little off beat which just pisses some peple off but having a different opinion about it all just makes it that and not all women are bitter ya know, people have different experiences with each other

Anonymous said...

you are sick howie

stop posting or sign your name for Christ's sake. are you afraid to use your own voice.

nobody cares if you are with someone else or not. nobody gives a shit. thank GOD you are "off the market" and not hurting any more females in tahoe or elsewhere. no one is jealous or snively. they just wanted to tell their stories of how you fucked them over, used blue pants, crushed mouse stories, movies,tearoom and more. did you think you would not get caught. now you are caught with your pants down its all out in the open. is your own fuckin fault, accept it and

shut up and get off the blog or use your own voice. maybe if you said sorry and signed your name and accepted responsibility people wouldn't write

you are sick

Anonymous said...

Why should I have a nasty response for meeting Nancy? I did go there just for closure I think. I was there in tahoe for vacation period. I happened to be at harveys and had a couple drinks for my nerves. I wasn't drunk. I said hello to him and she was leaning against the wall and he introduced me period? I just hated the fact he lied to me and I felt LAME after wearing those disgusting pants and letting him get into my head period. Again good for them as a couple. I don't care anymore. It did hurt at first the fact that he just disappeared, but that's life. And NO I have NOT been on here before. Not sure where you are getting this information Pal-Y. I just discovered this blog on Monday a WEEK ago. Why should I lie about that? The only liar on this blog is Howie.

Anonymous said...

petty63 now you want to fuck women who write here? i thought you were howie's old girlfriend

what a liar. get some help whoever you are. you are losing it completely. you sound disturbed

Anonymous said...

Hate full confused woman lie. Howie is in love 4ever.

Anonymous said...

Hate full confused woman lie. Howie is in love 4ever.

Anonymous said...

you are sick
get some help you do sound completely insane

and you are a creep howie
(we all know its you)

Anonymous said...

howie is upset about pixie talkin about sexual problems

this happened before here and he tryed to make it look like he is some fan who used to date him. if you look back he played this role before. he likes to play women roles
everyone knows its u and u wont stop people from writing with your sick immature ways. you just look more and more guilty. pixie and others can say what they want and if you don't watch it more blogs just like this will show up with your ip address blocked from them, along with photos and other items. u make people want to say and tell more

Anonymous said...

he sticks up for him because it is him

Anonymous said...

Well he needs to learn some new dance moves:

Anonymous said...

pity the jealous woman of calif and tahoe that want howie

Anonymous said...

i don't think anyone wants him. he just thinks they do. or they don't know him and once they do they wouldnt want someone so screwed up

who would really want someone who is so into themself, who gets off on crushing animals among many other lovely attributes.

i pity him. he is the most fucked up man i ever met

ps i wonder if the rest of you saw the other blog about him. the one with photos. scary stuff. seems many hate his guts. a man does not have this many women despise him without very good reason

Anonymous said...

also what other blog with photos? i didnt see it

Anonymous said...

OMG let's not give him the award for f-ing anybody up. I like to think of it as a LOW time in my life period. He didn't mess me up in any way. He made me feel embarrassed that I let him get into my head w/his lies PERIOD! I thought, "GEE this guy needs THIS to get him off?" I guess I felt like I was doing a him a favor by letting him THINK I thought it was okay? HE used to ask me continually..."Does it turn you on a little?" I always said, "um no not really." Then he'd say..."OH maybe later ON you'll change your mind?" NOW why in the hell would I want to change my mind about that I ask you. I EVEN gave him a bit of advice and said, "HEY why not hire a hooker? You could easily get one to do that for you?" He always said, "I have/had that opportunity. I know a guy at the Mustang Ranch who said he'd hook me up, but you KNOW it has to be a person with a peron I KNOW!" "Someone I feel close to." OMG SCREW LOOSE there...

Anonymous said...

GOOGLE his name...he has a myspace account and a BLOG.

Anonymous said...

HOWIE shut the hell up you HASBEEN! IS-BEEN NUTWAD!

Anonymous said...

howie is hot hot hot. u cant have him and are mad hot bout him.

Anonymous said...

now we know only nancy or howie would write that. she has a special blog where she calls him hot.

u sure like attention dont you howie nancie or some crazy nutjob who likes to rev this up. what a crock

he is a cold guy , specially in the bedroom; but other wayz tooo

hot? hahaha. oh yea, everyone is so darn mad they cant have the guy who gets hard only from watchin females crush rodents....

Anonymous said...

Howie the hottie??? phfft!!! Try Howard the Coward!

Anonymous said...

How about Howie the pathological liar. Or Howie the narcissist. Or Howie the phony. Or Howie the crush fetish nut. I could keep writing but Howie the "hot" is not one of the descriptions.

What a laugh. It must be a joke, eh? From a fellow comic perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Hopping this blog helped u woman out.
Time to let howie be happy as a clam.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

still writes ladies about crush topics. yep

Anonymous said...

I never got an apology.

Anonymous said...

he is great at deceiving people; i was deceived for over a year. she probly just did not get it despite this blog; despite people telling her; i knew he was a sick F, but still

where is this apology talk comin from? I never expected one

Anonymous said...

you all need to apoligize to howie.

he is hot and didnt deserve this hate from jealous ladys. mancy is very luck and hot to. two hotties met and are happy today. get your lifes together

Anonymous said...

Boy are you drunk off your ass Howie! Must be that pink wine (girly) stuff you drink. You two are hot? OMG since when? 2 pigs in a blanket maybe roasting by the fire?

Anonymous said...

surely whomever wrote they are hot is joking to get this blog riled up. honest. its a joke and it isnt them writing either surely. people in their 50s who are not in exactly in the best shape (to be polite)would probly not describe them selves as hot unless they were blind and delusional (oh wait, maybe it is them). more likely its a joke gals. c'mon! hot?

i dont think so!

Anonymous said...

plus why should anyone apologize to that asshole. got to be another joke. looks to me he owes tons and tons of ladies apologies for his lies

he had all the ladies he dated share used blue pants. he told each one that it was a present for them? that is sick ladies
and its just one thing he did.

and any gal who would stay with him after reading this blog has got to be sick too or plain desperate

if they are happy, God bless, who cares. doesn't take away from the lies. he needs to confess to his maker

Anonymous said...

how and nan are happy in love. leave them alone and stop the jealous haters. lies lies ies

Anonymous said...

Listen here you DUMBASS...WHY in the fricking HELL would a BUNCH of women write stuff on this blog if it weren't true? YOU need to look in the mirror (after trimming your LONG nose hairs) and live with yourself day after day. Some day maybe Nancy will get a f-ing clue in her head and realize being fat is not the way to be. She'll get control over here body (I know you aren't happy since you both have gained weight) and realize HE isn't the only stinky ass fish in the sea Nancy. Get youreself a real man. ONE who will Cherish you nancy...ONE who will see what makes you happy. One who will care about YOU period...instead of themselves for a change. Does he ever put his arms around you when you sleep? NO...hell no...YOU are supposed to do that to him remember? Good Grief woman, WAKE UP...Howie deserves to be alone! NOT even w/that DOG..JUST alone in that DARK house of his...He deserves absolutely NOTHING...but the loneliness.

Anonymous said...

the person who keeps posting things just to get people mad is sick and has problems. She's just laughing at how pissed off she can make you. her IP address gives her away and its not howie or nancy. She's just doing it to play with your emotions and stir things up which is cruel and mean.

Anonymous said...

yes one sick sick nut job; only someone deranged would get off on writing here to rev up people; what a waste of time and a life;

Anonymous said...

why hate on nany and howie.

they are both in steamy lov affair

Anonymous said...

So when's the wedding?

Anonymous said...

from what i hear it aint too steamy

Anonymous said...

Yes we should crash the wedding. He's such a liar anyway. He's probably just stringing her along. I think she's gonna get bored and move back to S.D. She has no friends in Tahoe.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they post about a wedding ages ago! If it's all so dreamy....what are they waiting for?

Anonymous said...

OH I'm sure of it. Hell he talked to me about a wedding right away. Freaked me out really. I said, "Um I'm not sure about that." Didn't he take you to the teahouse? He wants to get married there. OH brother!

Anonymous said...

I was taken to the tea house also and he told me who is best man would be and that that is where he wanted to get married. He yapped about mom much then. I also got the blue pants-he said they were a present for me; never thought they would be used-ick ick ick. Sex if you can call it that through tight black pants- i thought it was f'in WEIRD. He is a liar. Did he really think he could say this same crap to every single gal? Does he have a script or what? It is crazy ladies and its scary tooooooo. He probly thinks it is funny.

Anonymous said...

there should be a wedding by now,gosh, when iz it?

Anonymous said...

WHO did he say the best man would be?

There was NO sex period.

Anonymous said...

howi is a happy man

namcy is happy woman.

leave them lone in the woods please.

Anonymous said...

you are mentally ill, see a shrink man

the blog isn't about Nancy. she has nothin to do with it. and if she is truly happy God bless and thanks Nancy for getting the creep off the net.

howie is happy? who cares jerk. what the hell does your statement have to do with anything. the blog is/was a place for ladies to write about their experiences with Howie fucking them over and these women have every right to post what they want if it is the truth

so screw you, get lost, you are only here to make trouble and to discredit the people he fucked over-you need help. he lied and mistreated many - you can say what you want nutcase but all of that is true. the fact that he is happy doesn't mean a damn thing-good for him-he still is a liar and did what he did

Anonymous said...

So, did you see the latest? Nancy Kerry has filed a suit for unfair dismissal -

What bothers me the most from that article are these lines -

"At the same time, Kerry claims she began uncovering several apparent misappropriations of funds. When she began addressing the discrepancies and holding workers accountable for missing money, she was threatened, spit on and verbally abused, she said.

"I started to question these things," Kerry said. "I started to find out people were literally being paid cash for things that there were no invoices for. I thought I was supposed to do a professional job. As I did that, that's when I was getting the threats."

Despite contrary claims on her blog about the fantastic life she has with Howie, she is quoted as saying "'This has cost me my job, my house, my money," Kerry said, holding back tears several times during a recent interview. "I will never put an end to this until they make it right for me.'"

Why would this bother me? Well because months ago I posted links in 5 places (yes FIVE) to this blog to honestly warn women about Howie Nave. Part of the threatening response from Howie's camp* posted on the Elisabeth blog mentioned earlier follows.

"LMS you found me!
oh yay... you found me at 5:30 this morning oops I mean 5:46 this morning. Like the site? Since every morning during the 5:00 hour is when you post tons of things, I figured that's when you'd find me. I like doing the same thing at you do. It's fun isn't it? Kind of becomes a full time job I suppose.

well for me it actually is a full time job - I was hired to discover who what posting and what and why and all that... and it was you -- the majority of all the postings came from one source. Interesting isn't ?

Didn't you ever wonder why all the different IPs from everywhere? don't you think we can hide and change the IPs, sure of course. With all your experience you should have known you were traceable.............

Oh and yes, You even post multiple things in the same day as if you are several different people - as if you like arguing with yourself. You seem to think you can get away with this level of harassment without any consequence? Try visiting the "web sherrif" sometime and see if you can learn anything. There are people who specialize in these kinds of games.

With all the effort trying to link legitimate sites that drew the attention of lawyers, which is why that was not successful. We have two choices, file the suit for the malicious harassment (which is already an easy prove given the 100s of postings (other sites too)) traced to you) or, buy and save your name on the web (done, try it you'll see we already own your name, from blogs to webs) . We've got all the names & address of family, friends, where you earn your money, websites owned and managed and we can take the tactic to match tit-for-tat, that's what I'm hired to do.

or there is the rationale and reasonable option. let people live their own life.

what's it going to be?"

Again, when it comes to Howie and Nancy, what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander. After Nancy supposedly speaks up, she cries over being threaten and the negative effects on her life. But when someone speaks the truth about them, they threaten the livelihood of another, in this case me!

I put those original few links up, not to harass anyone but to warn women of what a sexual predator Howie is. I have done nothing wrong and refuse to be silenced by someone threating to ruin my reputation by slandering my name on the internet. Yes, I did post the recent comment by "not credible" on the news article because this lawsuit seems like one more tale too hard to believe given the history of Howie Nave and what has been posted her on the blog. The reputations of those accused of spitting at Nancy is now at stake. Those involved in this case need to know the history of how Nancy and Howie behave when they consider the "facts" of this case.

Additionally, part of my posting today is for my own protection. It is a public record being made today as a reference to potential employers or clients as to why my name might one day be found on slanderous material online. 

Lisa S

* The reason I attribute that anonymous threat to Howie Nave is because of the header line from the blog "I know, too many names. You should see one of my last names, it reminds me of chowchilla! Welcome to my blog" Cowchilla is a reference to a former last name of mine. Howie, apart from my family, is the only person in the United States who is aware I once had the last name Varjak - a sled dog.

Anonymous said...

that article says she moved here for some big job with the washoes. i thought she moved here to be with howie; that what her blog says; and her house was in the big fires in san diego ger blog says so how can she blame her house forclosure on her financial loss from a 3 month job

lisa s: that writing first sounds like a private hire to track you down. all you did was write the truth abou him then it sounds like howie ; wrote it sounds insane. sounds like they like to sue an awful lot. and they both sure cry wolf an awful lot saying lots harrass her and him. how can one or two people have so many people harrassing them and bothering them without a cuase on their part. they are cons, ambulance chasers

Anonymous said...

that lawsuit is wrong. she did move for howie. her blog says so. some people will do anything for money and in this case for love too. she is still with him=well that says everything ; it really does

Anonymous said...

NOTHING about this makes sense or sounds legit. She's about to lose her house yet they are spending money on expensive sushi, helicopter rides, multiple vacations............explain that to a jury who's lost wages to be in a box and having to listen to this inconsistant tale. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

what a nutjob - gay is my prediction -is good to stay ouf of he media if u struggle with your sexual identical so much as man

Anonymous said...

what a nutjob - gay is my prediction -is good to stay ouf of he media if u struggle with your sexual identical so much as man

Anonymous said...

I have been mulling whether to write on here-i read this forum for a long time to help me get over the abuse i suffered at the hands of said howard nave. i had the same things happen as many of you and also i was angry that he and his gal denied it and actually had the balls to blame the girls who he dated and treated so terribly. i was one of them too-the mouse stories, the heeels, the blue pants and all. instant messages and emails full of sickness. i had to pray over this a long time for forgiveness cause i never should have talked about such evil things and i did. and some yes are truly evil. i hope said howard nave as gone to a psychiatrist. the fantasies are sick. they are not mere harmless fetishes as he said somewhere. they are evil things-hurting animals and others

well now i must speak the truth cause a few weeks ago i got an awful email from said howard nave asking me did i want to chat about things - said he was missing me and he was missin chatting about"the things we used to chat about"-i knew he meant the sex things-he said something about meeting in person-said his life was boring lately

i did not answer him but was thinking about whether to say anything here, well now i am to let the world know he lied on here and it was wrong of him. i dont think to this day he thinks he ever did anything bad to anyone. he did

Anonymous said...

So what are you going to do? This is interesting. He's bored is he. Well surely it was just a matter of time. Men get bored, face it. He wanted a gal who was smart and made her own $. he got that. But what about the other kinky stuff? Does Nancy do that crap? You wouldn't think anybody really would. I went along with it, but NEVER EVER did it. When he mentioned getting a rat I wanted to die! I thought all this time he was kidding. SO this is the first time you've written here? OMG how many are there?

Anonymous said...

what am i going to do you ask.. not write him back. he wrote about all the kink stuff. sitting on his face, mice stomping etc. said he missed my big behind

i live near and i never thougt of nancy as particularly smart. especially reading here, she seems dumb to me. someone said dumb as a doornail and yep, i would add blind as a bat. she stayed with a guy who likes these kinky things and did this to maybe hundreds of women, yes? she even defended him.
he only could get on if talking about this kink so i am sure she sits on his face and talks about killing mice and animals with her big ass for him. that is what gets him goin. u ladies know that. nuthin else worked. the man does not like normal sex

yep my frist time writing. i sat and watched one gal after another tell my story here. could not believe i got a note from him talking about the kink. i admit we enjoyed talking about that stuff. i got into it when i should have known better and i have prayed on it since. i forgive myself now. but it aint no common kink. he likes very sick things .. putting an animal under my butt cheek for me to sit on so he can watch the guts come out and that give him a hard one? but normal stuff and no hard one? this kind of sickness doesnot go away ever, even with a psychiatric help which he needs anyhow. my opinion - he found a dumb gal who buys his crap and lies because she thinks she found a rich and famous one to hang on to. off the mtn, the guy is a nobody though. and she isnt smart enough to figure any of it out yet. sad

Anonymous said...

So you did that stuff w/him? OMG I would have thought if you did you'd still be w/him? That means SHE does that crap then too? Obviously...I swear to god, one time when I was at his house I saw a box from PETA. I wondered what that was? I NEVER EVER did that...NO way. I have a great love of animals and I was SO darn disappointed when he sprung that on me you have no idea. At first I thought his voice was SO horrible! I thought OMG what would my family think if I brought him home w/that womanly voice? I think he finds women who are vunerable...and I happened to be in that stage of my life I think. I can honestly look back and think, "WTF was I thinking w/this moron?" Geeze!

I'm glad you didn't bother w/him...What for anyway? You ought to cut and paste it and send it to Nancy's BLOG! She's obviously insane.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

no, i did not do it, just talked about it. that is what i prayed for forgiveness about, letting him get excited talking about said sick things. i upset too but must have been insecure enough to talk anyhow. it drove me to see a counselor who helped me see how he manipulated me. he gave me so much praise too. my counselor said he is a very sick man and would not recover ever from said fantasy, fetish. i think he grew bored of me because i would not really DO the things. he wanted to find a gal who really would do them for sure real so probly she does. i am sure she must.

Anonymous said...

oh and the womanly voice scared me too. but he cant help such things. its a real shame he doesnt get help, but even if he did, my counselor said these things don't change. i hoped nancy would be the one to get him real SERIOUS help but when i saw what she wrote on here, i knew she would not, that she came from sickness herself, was insane and thought she found a live one to save her.

i just tried to get on his site and its down. know why?

Anonymous said...

why is his site down? don't know or know even if it is, but the last time someone posted a comment like that it was to direct people to his siteso he could see who was looking ...........who cares anyway!

Anonymous said...

I doubt she posted (Nancy) on here anyway. I'm SURE she knows about all this crap, but I wonder WHY in the hell she would stay with somebody like that? I can't believe how he puts on a charade like it's everybody else who is weird, but not him. He lied so much to all of us. I believe in KARMA and know something has got to give. He can't go on like this. NO way!

Anonymous said...

Here's his lame myspace:

Anonymous said... is what is down, and no this is not a trick to get you to go there. honest

the man is a cad! i am another one of his prey. i did not see a peta kit at his house though, what is he doing with that?
i could not believe i read here that he told others those disgusting shiny tight blue pants were a gift! that is what he told me too. he wanted to have sex through them , said he didn't like women naked. i cannot believe other woman wore those blue pants too. that is beyond sick , to lie about that. i'd love to know if nancy wore the shiny blue pants when she first met him and if she did and then read here about it, she still kept dating him after. does she wear them with him now or similar tight pants. crazy, crazy, crazy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SO it looks like howie's computer crashed according to his blog and ALL his files were lost! Including all of us wearing those disgusting blue pants? I wish someone had the balz to tell that to Nancy's post on that website!!! GOOD. KARMA I said and it cost him $4,000. I hope that is just the beginning the idiot!

Anonymous said...

You know I'm sitting here thinking..."YOU know damn well Nancy knows about how he is!?" I mean it isn't normal. But if I knew my bf was doing this w/all these people a red light would go off in my head? I could see if it was a little secret between them, but it's also w/a TON of other girls too. SHE Has to know about all of us here? Wouldn't you think so? Did the act just quit when he met her? I hardly doubt that! A leopard never changes his stripes! I wish someone would copy and paste this link to HER!? Pretty please? They already found out who I am, so I don't wanna do it.

Anonymous said...

BTW in his blog (on his) who is that person looking through the fence? Is that HIM? OMG if it is he's gotten so damn FAT! All that horrible eating has caught up w/him. Maybe his big BUTT can sit on them now, ha! I mean he is into himself, har!

Anonymous said...


Let's hope it will all come back to him. It usually does.

Forget Nancy, sure she knows about the blog; if she is stupid enough to believe a man like this can change, then she deserves what she gets. She is asking for a miserable unsatisfied life, emotionally and sexually. Narcissists don't change (that is why it is called a PERSONALITY DISORDER) and anyone with that much sexual dysfunction does not change either. Especially if they can't admit it and get direct help. I am in the psych profession; I know; and if that makes them guess who I am, I do not care. The manowoman treats people like crap and he should not get away with it.

Nancy must have a few screws loose; or deep down she thinks she landed someone who will finally take her out of her white trash awful early life. Nancy may ask why there is so much anger at her on this blog. It is because she enables and makes excuses for someone who has mistreated many. Her blog is telling and bizarre. She projects all kinds of attributes unto Howie that are not real. He is not a kind, sweet, giving man, but she thinks he is. It says more about her and what she is missing and thinks she is getting but isnt because she is with someone (again) who is not capable of giving these things.

But, ladies this blog should be about him, not her, and the nasty fake person he is. He is a liar, a phony, a creep and I hope what he has done to so many people hits him back ten fold.

Anonymous said...

The truth always wins...

Anonymous said...

what do ya mean , they already found out who you are? do you mind explaining that, thanks

ps i would like to know how many there really are, probably not many the last few years he is on good behavior because he was caught. caught at his devilish tricks and sins. he talks so much on his blog about being a jew but a religious person would not sin like he has. it is evil to use religion that way

Anonymous said...

IT has to do w/the linkage or something someone mentioned my work WAY back when.

I think maybe NOW and then he may show a bit of kindness to Nancy and she gets SO jazzed about that one little instance. Maybe the sex isn't interesting to her anymore anyway. You know when women get menopausal, they could care less. I even thought that! I was getting to that age and figured, "Oh well I could do w/o that." I was WILLING to give it up. FOR WHAT, I ask you? Thank goodness I am in a REAL relationship w/a man who has an appetite Howie will never have. And as far as being a jew is concerned? HE doesn't practice that at all. Otherwise I'm sure he would be kind. He never goes to the synagog or whatever it's called. I met him maybe 3 yrs ago. I visited him 2x's PERIOD. When he sprung that disgusting stuff on me I wanted to DIE/CRY! I almost cancelled my flight. I wanted to go SO bad to be w/this guy. WHY? I have no idea. I thought, "just my luck I meet this great guy and THIS stuff happens?" Again, I am SO SO glad it never EVER happened or continued! AND Yes I saw a package on his table from PETA! Not sure what that was? I know comedians have a dark side to them, but HE is ridiculous! Maybe nancy figures she can't get any better? Who cares and who knows? I'd rather be alone any old time!

Anonymous said...

HE also mentioned to me, "you know I am very lucky w/my job/life. This could all go away tomorrow!" POOF goodbye! TIT for TAT. KARMA once again. I can see if he hurt ONE woman, but gee there seems to be SO SO many of us it's unreal. What if we gave out a FAKE name and then we can count them? I posted before. You can call me:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

leave an anonymous name? I know I stopped reading and moved on but a friend wrote and told me there were more posts. so why not pixie

signed northeastern marianne

Anonymous said...

just call me mandy!

Anonymous said...

yet another, call me martha washington

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Court to Weigh Legality Of Animal Abuse VideosThe Supreme Court yesterday turned to the gruesome, announcing that it will decide next term whether fetish films that depict the killing of small animals and videos of dogfights are protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech.

The justices said they would review, at the request of the federal government, an appeals court decision that said Congress's broad attempt to discourage animal cruelty by outlawing its depiction violates the First Amendment.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit in Philadelphia voted 10 to 3 last summer to find unconstitutional the rarely used law passed by Congress in 1999. The appeals court said the goal of protecting against animal cruelty was a worthy one, but one already accomplished by laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia outlawing the practice.

The appeals court noted that the Supreme Court is resistant to removing First Amendment protections of depictions even of illegal actions. The last time the court did so was over child pornography..................

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Howie still only gets hard when he thinks about a large butt sitting on a mouse or a high heel crushing the mouse. Is that a thing you get over and did Nanc do it for him. He's maybe been on good behavior since no new posters here. God can do wonders for some

日本ダービー said...

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出会い said...


SM度チェッカー said...


玉の輿度チェッカー said...


セフレ said...

セフレ倶楽部は 童貞、 逆援、 人妻の 3つのジャンルで構成されており、セレブ女性とセックスするだけで、男性会員へ高額な報酬が支払われるシステムになっております。一定の数の男性会員が集まれば、会員の募集を一度締め切らせて頂きますのでお早めにどうぞ

mコミュ said...


スタービーチ said...


mコミュ said...

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mixi said...


スタビ said...


gree said...


スタービーチ said...

スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている

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モバゲー said...


グリー said...

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ツイッター said...

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