Monday, April 16, 2007

Another Blog about Dating Howie Nave


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Anonymous said...

would the nicest people in the world want a man with a crush fetish speaking at their fundraiser if they knew about howie? maybe instead of reposting this article from the tahoe daily tribune, someone should warn them.

yes, lots of innocent people get hurt when crimes are being committed but a cover up only lets the violence continue.

Anonymous said...

interesting that you called google nanc. i would have guess that ip tracker was bluffing and let it go, just someone playing with you head.......but then, i guess the info ip tracker posted was close enough to the truth for you to worry.

Anonymous said...

nanc, you never answered the question about how you'd feel about having your 19 year old daughter getting hit on by a fifty year old guy who wanted to film her crushing rodents. I'd still like that answer.

you raise another question which I'd happily answer. If my 19 year old daughter was behaving obsessively towards a 50 year old man, I'd take her to a psychiatrist immediatly. She'd need therapy.

two wrongs don't make a right.

care to answer the original question now?

Anonymous said...

i called google because a lot of stuff on here isnt' right, and since i LIVE with him, my 'homelife' is being accused of things that are hugely wrong and horrible. It's HURTING me when I didn't do a damn thing and I don't want to see anyone get upset anymore.

Anonymous said...

How convenient for Howard that suddenly a "normal" girlfriend appears and he has a "normal" relationship after he hurt, deceived and iied to so many woman, including young teen age women.

No woman with heart would say and think the things "Nanc" does. Only one type of woman would and those types of women are fewer than 1% of the population in their psychiatric character typing and profile. That 1% is highly dysfunctional and in that they are incapable of insight. It is possible that Howard met up with one of these rare disturbed types but highly unlikely statistically.

Most women, even very disturbed and emotionally deprived women, would hear all of this about a man (the lying, the pants, the young women, and the animals) and never become involved with such an individual, let alone begin a relationship and move in with the person in the middle of it. Would any of you do that? Please seek help immediately if you would!

If there really is a nanc, which is doubtful, you should be ashamed of yourself for criticizing a young girl like Lindz. Even if she did become obsessed, do you remember what it was like to be 19? If she were my daughter I would be very worried about her self-esteem, but I would be much much more concerned about the man involved since he should be able to exhibit a hire degree of impulse control by the age of 50.

If there is a crime going on in relation to the things posted on this site, then heads are going to turn soon in Tahoe. I am making sure of it. I simply will not allow young girls or animals to be affected.

I also called google and was given completely different information.

Anonymous said...

You didn't do a damn thing but apparently many people feel HE DID. And you are HURTING OTHER PEOPLE by your comments. You are guessing and naming names and you really don't know. That isn't right either! How are you going to feel when/if you find out later that many of these people are right in what they are saying or even if some of them are. Please please wake up a little bit! Why do you think that all the information presented is wrong but that he is right? It is too bad you are HURTING (it is!!!) but you are making excuses for someone and you shouldn't be. Why is it your responsibility to fix everything for Howie. Maybe he is very manipulative, can you even consider that?
If he truly has changed, then leave it alone and nothing more will happen and this WILL go away. IT WILL, but not if you keep defending him, making excuses for him, posting things, etc. Leave it alone!! You are making things worse for him more and more. It is obvious you are losing it. Go do something else, get off the blog, go work out, exercise, go to a move or get a massage! But get off this thing for a good day or two, just ignore it!

Anonymous said...

i will ignore it. but please try and understand a little bit, (i understand you a lot), that in my day-to-day life here, it's just a regular life, and i can't stop myself from arguing with people who tell me what life with howie must be like or what he does when he doesn't.

But, you're right, if I know what life is like. . i should just let it be.

Anonymous said...

this really is meant as friendly advice. if you call it two faced, it is your problem, not mine. it also doesnt matter to me if you stay with howie or not. it doesnt affect me or my life. you need to buy the book "codependent no more" because i don't think you realize how you sound. and no you do not understand me at all. if you did, you would not have said or written certain things

also just because your life is a certain way, does not mean at all that none of this is true. it also does not mean that your current experience is really going to stay the way it is or that it is not an illusion; we have all been fooled before; we see what we want to see and some men can be highly manipulative and we don't realize it for a long time. 90% of it is true Nancy, whether you want to believe it or not, sorry to tell you, but if you don't face it now, you will be even more sorry later on. of course there is exaggeration when people are upset, hurt and angry, they lash out, but most of it is true. people don't just make up these kinds of things just to be vindictive. that is not common

think of little kids who say they are abused and are accused of making it up. they don't make up these things and either do adult women... and they don't bring all of these things on themselves. i don't know how old you are but honestly you should know better than this, come on!

you need to get out of the house and off of this and forget about it; you aren't his keeper, you aren't his spokesperson and you aren't his mother. let him fight his own battles; the more excuses you make for him, the worse it looks; you live in a small town, and you will never make friends; and you will end up in a horrible situation; it sounds like you are in one already and just don't want to admit it!!!; you are looking for sympathy here!? what does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

Nanc (real or not) it bears repeating, that if you don't want to see anyone else get hurt, stop defending Howard/Howie and let him answer for himself. He doesn't need some booming voice speaking for him while he hides behind the curtain.

Nanc/Howie, I agree, I do not think it is at all appropriate for people to post comments about your sexual prowess, your kissing ability or to belittle your talent. And I do think you are talented, Howie that is. But, I understand why women feel motivated to do so. They are angry, at being lied to, to being used, and to being blamed and disgarded. You reap what you sow in this instance. The only reason I'm not inclined to join in with those sorts of taunts is because I always knew you were a liar and that it hardly a compliment, plus, it's true we never dated so I wouldn't know, but as you know, we have met.

And you are right nanc, this happens alot, and I'd never join a list limited to run of the mill "player behaviour" heartbreaking as that can be. I joined the list because of the "secrets" that Howie involves women in. Those "secrets" are psychologically dangerous and if acted out could land a young woman in jail. In the interest of public safety those types of secrets should not be hidden.

Your "hurt" at the accusations being leveled here and Howie's embarrassment in my opinion is trumped by the need to warn women of Howie's behaviour. It's dangerous and I don't make such a statement lightly at all.

I would never post that someone was mentally ill, had a crushing fetish and needed treatment if I did not have just cause to say so. I am not making this statement anonymously.

Why you are choosing to name names is beyond me. It clearly isn't working. So far you've "outed" me, a woman who has left a postitive review of Howie's talents, an opinion not expressed on this blog, a very very kind, intelligent and talented Lisa K who has been more than patient to you and a friend to Howie even though you and he have treated her like dirt. Anyone would feel it was a gift to have her as a friend. Then next a very young woman who was clearly preyed upon just based upon the age difference. Maybe she does need help, I don't know, but the playing field was never level in that relationship.

You and Howie, or Howie pretending to be nanc, I don't know and I don't care, need to get some help. For Howie, even if you don't think that torturing animals is wrong, you live in a society where the majority of people do hold that view. You put the lives of the women you draw into this fetish in psychological danger and put them at the risk of felony charges. The "secrecy" about it all is the worst. It alienates women from their friends and families.

Nanc (if even real) I don't know of your life, but I know what Howie wrote to me, and it rings very true with what others have stated they delved further into. The previous poster gave you some excellent advise. Take it!

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Nanc (real or not) it bears repeating, that if you don't want to see anyone else get hurt, stop defending Howard/Howie and let him answer for himself. He doesn't need some booming voice speaking for him while he hides behind the curtain.

Nanc/Howie, I agree, I do not think it is at all appropriate for people to post comments about your sexual prowess, your kissing ability or to belittle your talent. And I do think you are talented, Howie that is. But, I understand why women feel motivated to do so. They are angry, at being lied to, to being used, and to being blamed and disgarded. You reap what you sow in this instance. The only reason I'm not inclined to join in with those sorts of taunts is because I always knew you were a liar and that it hardly a compliment, plus, it's true we never dated so I wouldn't know, but as you know, we have met.

And you are right nanc, this happens alot, and I'd never join a list limited to run of the mill "player behaviour" heartbreaking as that can be. I joined the list because of the "secrets" that Howie involves women in. Those "secrets" are psychologically dangerous and if acted out could land a young woman in jail. In the interest of public safety those types of secrets should not be hidden.

Your "hurt" at the accusations being leveled here and Howie's embarrassment in my opinion is trumped by the need to warn women of Howie's behaviour. It's dangerous and I don't make such a statement lightly at all.

I would never post that someone was mentally ill, had a crushing fetish and needed treatment if I did not have just cause to say so. I am not making this statement anonymously.

Why you are choosing to name names is beyond me. It clearly isn't working. So far you've "outed" me, a woman who has left a postitive review of Howie's talents, an opinion not expressed on this blog, a very very kind, intelligent and talented Lisa K who has been more than patient to you and a friend to Howie even though you and he have treated her like dirt. Anyone would feel it was a gift to have her as a friend. Then next a very young woman who was clearly preyed upon just based upon the age difference. Maybe she does need help, I don't know, but the playing field was never level in that relationship.

You and Howie, or Howie pretending to be nanc, I don't know and I don't care, need to get some help. For Howie, even if you don't think that torturing animals is wrong, you live in a society where the majority of people do hold that view. You put the lives of the women you draw into this fetish in psychological danger and put them at the risk of felony charges. The "secrecy" about it all is the worst. It alienates women from their friends and families.

Nanc (if even real) I don't know of your life, but I know what Howie wrote to me, and it rings very true with what others have stated they delved further into. The previous poster gave you some excellent advise. Take it!

Lisa Sinervo

Anonymous said...

There was also ANOTHER VERY YOUNG girl named Jenn. What happened to her? Why would a 50 plus year old male even kiss a 19 year old?

Other names unneccesarily and apparently illegally (TOS) named were Norrine and Genese. And don't forget Gayle. Who even knows the real story of Gayle. I would bet there are two sides to it.

What TYPE of man even has a long list of women who are furious with him? NICE MEN do not!!

Only one or two posts in this entire blog mention kissing or sexual dysfunction, and perhaps when a 19 year old is messed with, they are confused UNDERSTANDABLY.


Nanc if you do exist, you are in serious denial, GET HELP. To HOWARD who I also believe really is Nancy, THIS IS YOUR FAULT, GET HELP!

Classic abuse behavior is to blame the victim. Any woman who would EVER participate in and encourage that, overlook it,excuse it, deny its very existance is mentally ill. To come on a forum like this and blame these victims (yes they are victims of mental abuse). You told them that they caused this, that they are responsible, that they are awful people. And that your life is wonderful now, he is changed magically, that they are jealous and really want him (!!), that he is the wonderful doting normal mate and you are off boating and eating strawberries is SICK! You want empathy from us?!!! PLEASE GET SOME HELP!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like he found the perfect partner

someone else tried to help him and that is when their relationship fell apart didnt someone say that?

i had a boyfriend like this and he is on his fifth wife now. another boyfriend same thing. they dont change unless something bad happens and they see a need to change. otherwise they keep looking for the right lady to keep them the way they are

maybe all this will help him somehow (sure would be nice-he has some nice features about him-sure is funny) but she sure is not helping him any by pretending he is fine and everyone else is crazy and just is jealous. geez if this happened to me, id sure look at myself and not keep blaming others. especialy at 50 years of age

Anonymous said...

Hey Howie, aka nanc -

I was rereading this blog today and there was something that stood out to me like a beacon if there ever was one.

Back in July of 2005 when we were writing and you were fishing for compliments, I let you know the one thing that stood out the most for me about you. The one thing I was most impressed by. It was your punctuation Howie, and I made the comment that "Your deft use of the colon is positively inspirational!" What I actually ment was semi colon. Seeing it used correctly does stand out for me, as I never use it myself and would probably find it very handy.

Well, funny enough, nancy has that same exquisite command over it's use.

There are many other people here using it, but you and nanc use it the best, in a really noticable way.

As someone who truely cares about you Howard/Howie, I hope that you decide to get some help.

Anonymous said...

can't anyone really vouch for nanc? what about a photo?? you think there would be one somewhere, wouldnt you folks? anyone here can say they know her but a photo would tell us all for sure......

much of the info "she" says does not jive with what i know of him and i do know him....

Anonymous said...

does anyone else feel like there in the middle of the "george glass episode" of the brady bunch here? - maybe some rehab remake or something

Anonymous said...

so Minniemouse, obviously Howie needs to have this blog removed. And obviously there is a need to warn women of his behaviour. But, foolishly perhaps, I am always the optimist.

Is there anything that Howie could do to influence you to remove this? Apologize? Enter therapy? Anything? Is there any room for negiotation?

Pretending to be nanc and blaming others wouldn't cut it with me..... but .... maybe there could be some honest dialogue about this situation ........of course Howie would have to be honest for that to even start.

Lisa Sinervo

Anonymous said...

I also wrote a letter on here to Minnemouse earlier today but erased it. I guess I am feeling bad for Howie now and feel concerned about him. Yell at me if you want. I cared about him and he has a million great qualities I could list here. Those of you who wrote him or have spent time with him know those qualities as well.... I still care about him even though often I wish I didn't.He certainly has not returned that kindness/caring to me....

I am actually the person he hates for many reasons I don't understand, but I guess I am hoping it is just misdirected hatred and that maybe someday he will get it. because I have been a good friend and more in the past... He is a private person and I don't blame him for being completely freaked out about this blog. I know I would. I don't even like writing on here at all myself but intent at this point is to shut the thing down.

I never wrote about the kissing, or sexual things on here, only that I was upset he lied to me and didn't treat me as I deserved. I did write a few posts under anon when I was upset but still I never would have said a word if I hadn't been attacked myself on here by nanc/howie. I tried to tell him he was blaming the wrong person but he didn't believe me, so all I can do now is try to give a balanced viewpoint here of him and also ask to have it be shut down.

I am not making excuses for him and I hope no one thinks that, he did hurt a lot of you and of course me, but my hope is that he will learn from this and make some changes. I believe in all peoples ability to change if they want to. I am still naive that way, which is why I probably stayed involved with him as long as I did. He has a good heart in many areas and he is very smart. We all have done things in the relationship department we wish we hadn't, so maybe we should cut him some slack and leave enough alone here..

minnemouse isn't it time to shut the blog? I think Howie is smart enough to have learned from this..or lets hope so. If not, nothing else any one could possibly say would make an impact anyhow. Come on! It is time. I agree enough is enough with this whole thing. What else can it possibly do for anyone? Warn anyone? I don't think so. It is so convoluted at this point. It has turned into entertainment at someones expense that is just not right.

the other L

Anonymous said...

this blog would have warned me so I see it's value.....but is there an open door for Howie if he chooses to take it?

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

does this seem like someone with a live in girlfriend? was in the paper friday. even if meant to be a joke, someone with a serious live-in partner, would not have this in the paper. the last two who wrote-are too optimistic and too nice. not much hope in my view. he has moved off and onto other sites. there are a million of them out there beware...

id say there is hope for him if he came on here and said sorry and didnt play the games hes been playing but that is not happenin

seems like minnemouse isnt going to forgive & forget anyhow

"Howie Nave makes his daily text to an internet dating service in Placerville"

Anonymous said...

nobody knows nanc? i suppose its not surprising & we'll call her nancy glass after all. so that was howard writing all that............on and on lying more and more and more? he is clueless... it never sounded like a female saying all that anyhow and so much for giving him the benefit of the doubt

Anonymous said...

This is my last post or last time I’ll ever open this link. "never say never" they say, but it is my intention to stop caring about this all.

I do live with Howie, I do exist and I can’t understand or care too much anymore why you don’t believe it; I’m not even sure why it bothered me so much you belittled I am a real person but, it did and that fact brought the virtual world into my real world. I let that happen and shouldn’t have. By the way, minniemouse knows me, has in fact met me but pretends on here not to. But, in some respects, that part is her prerogative to do; dissing someone does fall under a free speech freedom to some extent. However, some accusations made on here have crossed the line of free speech, but this isn’t the forum to resolve that for now.

I won’t write about what Howie does or doesn’t do or to whom he gives an apology to except to write he couldn’t hate anyone (not that I've seen anyway even if he should). If you want to communicate with him, a phone call is better than an email.
But, posting something “on here” (!!!) would not be the right thing to do; If someone has a problem with someone, talking to them face to face or voice-to-voice is the best way to go.

I did think it was an odd thing to do to analyze my proper use of a semicolon as your way of determining “I” am really someone else? First, I think a lot of people use the semicolon properly, not just me (they don't use "quotes" properly though!). However, my use of the semicolon might be due to my advanced degrees, teaching university-level writing and graduating first in a class of thousands or professional writing requirements.

I do apologize (and don’t expect you to care) but, I am sorry for posting in anger and some rude comments I posted. However, I am not sorry for posting the truth of my life with Howie, which is the reality I live every day. I don’t apologize for defending the truth, but I could have done it better at times. You did misunderstand much of what I wrote, but ditto I’m sure.

Much left unsaid, but for the best I’m sure.

Anonymous said...

advanced university training? i am laughing but just sickened at the same time. i don't believe it, no one believes it. i started to list all of the reasons why none of us believe it but what is the point. there is no point. this is true mental illness. howie is way too far gone

what total bull

the semicolon is only one very very tiny part of it; now we know for sure there is absolutely no hope for howie, absolutely none....

this is true mental illness

and what is way way too bad is that howie doesnt think he needs to apologize or come clean to anyone. that is truly pathetic. it might have been his only saving grace....his only hope. there is none now

Anonymous said...

show us a photo "nanc" you must have a lot of photos of you two. just link us to a few

also look at this comment "nanc" just made: "However, some accusations made on here have crossed the line of free speech, but this isn’t the forum to resolve that for now."

this sounds like a threat here that was thrown in with a watered down "apology" ....... this is an excellent example of what is called "passive aggressive"

and she is telling people on here to call howie? her posts are just strange, weird, odd and crazy! would any woman in her right mind ignore all of this?

nothing here crossed the line that i can see. all of the things these women said happend to them, happened to me and i have hard core proof as many others do

myself, i could care less if he has a woman living with him or not. that has nothing to do with the blog, it doesn't take away from the many many lies and mental manipulation and crushing fetishes psychological trauma he inflicted
that is all true, no first amendment violation here

Anonymous said...

nanc for once you had written something sensible....

"If someone has a problem with someone, talking to them face to face or voice-to-voice is the best way to go."

So nanc, what's your number? I have a few things I'd like to say to you, voice-to-voice.

Anonymous said...

i'd like to see a photo come all of you in tahoe don't say you know her?? it is a small town isn't it..

Anonymous said...

remember this -

"not nanc or nancytahoe said........

the reason i don't think she tahoenancy exists that howie would not be serious about someone who even responded to these posts, he simply wouldn't, he wouldn't like it and i know that, he must not know or he would tell you to ignore it as he ignores everything, it is just all crazed fans after all, crazed desperate females, correct? so who cares , why respond?

if tahoenancy exists, she is completely irrelevant anyhow, unimportant to what this blog is about. it isn't about her. she hasn't quite gotten that yet. she is short term. if she really exists, which i don't think she does, and she truly did not care or believe anything on here, she wouldn't be coming to read and look so often. how many times has she said it was her last post?"

nanc = a hiding howie

another lie
another head game
more mental manipulation

Anonymous said...

are you sure 'nanc' is the one who said that?? i agree it his hiding howie but i don't see your rationale, someone else said that and it looks true to me, is that what u are saying?

i am still waitin for a photo, he likes photography after all

Anonymous said...

it wasn't nanc who wrote that, it was from someone claiming not to be nanc.......just scroll upwards

Anonymous said...

strange , strange, strange

Anonymous said...

Is this our 'nanc?" Not sure but it looks like her

Nancy Kerry moved to Tahoe in March 07 from San Diego.Looks like his type. With all those degrees, you think she would know better and not just ignore all this.

Can any woman imagine meeting a guy and seeing all this and then pretending it just isn't so? God help me if I am ever that blind or desperate.

It is also hard to believe he can stand her posting about him on here as the last post said.

Well God bless the happy couple.

Anonymous said...

here is the right link---------


Anonymous said...

it isnt posting right, but go to the chamber web page and look at their newsletter

Anonymous said...

It just AMAZES ME and SHOCKS ME that she ignored the true essence of this blog. That 'true essence' is that Howie played with the hearts of multiple women, that he talked to multiple women about his crushing fantasies and told each of them that they were the only one he had ever shared this with. He played with the minds and hearts of multiple women who were understandably angry, hurt and afterwards.

BUT, she came on here and has the audacity to state on a public blog that these were all jealous women and it was all their fault? Jealous???? She thought people wanted him and were jealous of her and that that was the reason for the blog. She even stated here on a PUBLIC FORUM that the things he said and did to many women were normal guy things and normal dating things. That is very 'off' folks

Then, she actually moves here in the middle of this, takes a public job representing OUR city (if this is truly her), ignores all of this as if it is all made up. She is a celebrity now after all and these are all jealous crazed fans who want her man. And then, the icing on the cake, she moves in with him, pretending that she found her perfect mate for life, and acting like the crushing fetishes and hurting many women is a perfectly normal and acceptable part of dating.

Just cause he has a new women, does not mean he has really changed. Id love nanc to explain to us, why she is more special than the rest of us? If she told us he was in treatment or counseling, maybe many would feel different. He drove many of us to counseling after all.

She even attacked women on here and wrote their names and sites. She bragged that they were off boating and drinking champagne and eating strawberries? THIS IS CHILLING. IT IS SICK.

She blamed a 19 year old girl and told her it was her fault. She put her my space page on this blog.The poor kid. She is older now but how will this affect her with men later? A 50 year old man tells a 19 year old girl he gets off on chubby girls sitting on and stomping on rats? He kisses her while telling her this? This is abuse.

OUR anger is justified and I speak on behalf of the ladies he hurt and mistreated. She rubbed it in their faces and called them jealous. In a year or two or three or five, I hope she clearly sees what a fool she was and I hope she feels deeply ashamed as she should.

It is one thing to defend your man, it is another to be so so cold hearted! On a public forum, she tried to normalize his actions including the fetishes-sitting on and stomping on mice and hamsters and cats? Fantasizing about killing animals for sexual pleasure?? Sitting on them and stomping on them with pumps? She tried to justify this. She cant say you didn't fantasize about this too;could anyone believe that after knowing he wrote about it to so many and even told a 19 year old this. No one said they DID IT, but they all said they TALKED ABOUT IT. Talking can lead to doing. That is why it is not harmless. It is dangerous.

Regardless of her 'advanced degrees,' if nanc was really smart, if she was insightful,if she were a truly good person and woman, she would have never said a word on here. Not one. She would have tried to help Howie and she would have told him to be humble and apologetic. She would try to get him in a treatment center of some kind. He could have come on here and showed some humility. He could apologize, and admit a problem and say he'll get treatment. But no, he found EXACTLY what he needed.

How convenient that now, of all times, he has a 'normal' and 'healthy' relationship with such a kind educated women. She is a cover and a band aid.

Anonymous said...


I wrote this incorrectly, and must correct it, as it is very critical to this very important point:

'It is one thing to defend your man, it is another to be so so cold hearted! On a public forum, she tried to normalize his actions including the fetishes-sitting on and stomping on mice and hamsters and cats? Fantasizing about killing animals for sexual pleasure?? Sitting on them and stomping on them with pumps? She tried to justify this. She CANNOT STATE THAT SHE DID NOT fantasize about this too; could anyone believe that? After knowing he wrote about the crushing fetishes to so many and even told a 19 year old young lady about it? No one said they DID IT, but they all said they TALKED ABOUT IT with him. Talking can lead to action. That is why it is not harmless. It is dangerous.'

Anonymous said...

looks like she succeeded in making the blog about her

Anonymous said...

so nanc....... are you the Nancy Kerry, Vice President of public affairs for the South Shore Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce that's in the pdf? or some other nancy?

Anonymous said...

i want to know if this is her too; that is an important position representing tahoe

it seems like people are afraid to write here anymore because of the ip tracker and maybe other things. is that true people?

google does not interfere. you can even read this in the google message boards. they dont give out ip addresses and ip tracker was probably a phony

no one should feel scared

Anonymous said...

if it was her, you would think she would answer

come on nancy..... show your face girlfriend; tell us more about what an awesome man you have-what a joke howard wrote that himself surely.

what a coward he is..
making up a girlfriend like this

everyone know about the other blog? yeppers someone is keeping a back up in case this gets closed

the word needs to stay out there ladies so dont shut this down. he is on myspace now. men like this just use women he is over there now looking for more squishers ' got a brand new profile too;
i wrote him and he answered me.....ready to go he is again; different venue.....same bull

Anonymous said...

Myspace has terms and conditions

Content/Activity Prohibited. The following is a partial list of the kind of Content that is illegal or prohibited to post on or through the MySpace Services. reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in's sole discretion, violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the MySpace Services and terminating the Membership of such violators. Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to Content that, in the sole discretion of

3. exploits people in a sexual or violent manner;

To report abuse click on the bottom of his profile if he gives you access and tries to manipulate you into squishing animals for his sexual pleasure.

Anonymous said...

i have very good reason to belive that there is no nancy and howard is making her up

Anonymous said...

interesting choice of name for the girlfriend if there isn't a real nancy.


Anonymous said...

there IS a nanc and she is the same nanc K someone posted a photo of, the one representing lake tahoe as a vice president. hard to believe but true

there is something very cold and disturbing about a woman who would blame other women like she has, and defend and lie for such a cad. i still can only hope she really does not get what she has done, but i doubt it

leave the blog open and kudos to the gals/guys who are copying the blog at just in case

Anonymous said...

yep, here she is -

second from the right in the photo.

Nancy Kerry's her name and she works for the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce as a Chamber VP.......still not sure what she wrote or what Howie wrote but God I hope these two get some help.

this crushing fetish is serious business and the postings on this blog give no indication that they've acknowledged the extent of the problem or the damage it has done.

hope their pup that went missing (reference craiglist ad - you know what I mean nanc) wasn't just a coverup. frankly this is just plain scary.

and for any lawyers that might be helping these two, tell them to get some medical attention! that's the best advice any legal counsel can give them.

Anonymous said...

I just found this blog today. I feel sick. I feel like crying. I was involved with Howie for years, years ago when he was still married. I knew he lied, but I didn't know how much. I broke off our relationship just at the start of the "crushing" fantasies. I couldn't take it anymore, but he kept drawing me back in for two more years. Now he tells his friends I'm a psycho bitch.
I am so sorry he has put so many of us through hell.

Anonymous said...

She is a horrible person.Whomever analyzed her on here was right on.She is the kind of gal you hated in high school, ya'll know the type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is beyond sick. If you look through all that she wrote here, she basically states that every woman on here and in his past, is jealous now of her in particular, and that he has done nothing. Sick?

To the last gal, so sorry, maybe it can help you now in some way as sick as it is. He refers to any woman in his past as a psycho bitch. We are all the stalkers ? I think not!!! Smart of you to have the common sense to break it off. Write more, maybe it will help you. You dated him when he was married?

Anonymous said...

Yes, he was married. I know there were others at the same time. He told me they weren't important like I was. (God, I was so naive). He used to say horrible things about his wife -- and I believed him.
The rest is just like all you others -- constant emails, phone calls, IMing until the middle of the night, the XOXOs. everything.

Anonymous said...

ladies, he does not think he has done anything to anyone - he really does not. he shows no remorse

i did the married man thing once and it was a big mistake, they are always lying to get what they need, just like howie. for guys like this, ALL females are just a tool to feed their sickness

how come he still has not told some of us hes got a girlfriend and he has written letters in the past year? never said a word ladies. not one

i can not say much but something big will be happening and he will be getting his due ladies never fear

Anonymous said...

I hope posters are careful not to libel nanc, not that I've seen this done but just be careful.

As for the comments made about Howie, well, in the US truth is considered a perfectly good defense against accusations of defamation. Save those emails and IM history files ladies!

As far a invading Howie's privacy, he is a public figure and it is in the public interest that young and old women alike are warned about his fetish and the lies he uses to manipulate women into participating.

Yes, had coffee with a lawyer friend today.

Anonymous said...

what is the thing about the doggie??

they lost a puppy? or a kitten? or was it a mouse or two? or rat or hamster perhaps a bunny?

Anonymous said...

someone just told me that Howie was married a second time, anyone know?
that makes another lie, numero 65 on the list for the patholgic liar. is lying a sign of narcissism disorders?

is it libel to say that someone is an awful horrible person if they act like one on a public website?

Anonymous said...

It isn't libel if it's the truth and if the subject is a private person, and he's a public person because of his movie reviews, DJ job and comedy. Besides, he's always acted like he's so important so here's the downside of his "celebrity."
BTW, he didn't win anything on "Last Comic Standing." He didn't make it past the auditions. His audition may have been shown on TV, but that's it.

Anonymous said...

OOPS! in the post above that should say -- very important -- if it's a PUBLIC person.

Anonymous said...

He told me he WON Last Comic Standing.

Lie nuumero 66.

Watch for the magazine article,coming grocery stores everywhere


Anonymous said...

Last Comic Standing winners
Season one Dat Phan
Two John Heffron
Three Alonzo Boden
Four Josh Blue
Five on tv now

Anonymous said...

is it libel if you just render an opinion about someone? like let's say someone said she is a cold mean nasty fat predator animal squisher defender ?

i'm not saying that, just asking is that libel??? it is just someones opinion after all if they say that

Anonymous said...

So Howie was married two times? Is that true?

Another lie to me as well I suppose. I don't care much anymore. There were so many lies it is pretty amazing really.

Anonymous said...

My question is why is it that every "ex" of Howie's is now a psycho or a stalker? Look how many people on here he says now were called psychos by him including the ones he think "maybe" started the blog, but he doesn't even know for sure who started it. And all the ones he named too. They are all nuts and psycho too of course. But, of course, the guy who gets off on seeing women sit on rats isn't?

I think when people get angry with him, he thinks then they are the crazy ones. I can't stand weak men who won't own their own problems and blame everyone else. And ones who can't speak for themselves make me even sicker.

I hope someone does do a magazine article, sorry to say I do hope it now and I would not have said that before.

Anonymous said...

Here are the criteria for narcisstic personality disorder-someone with this ISN'T going to take responsibility for their actions because they aren't really capable of it. You can wish it, and hope for it, but they just aren't able to. They also rarely if ever change.

Diagnostic criteria

At least five of the following are necessary for a diagnosis (as with many DSM diagnoses, they must form a pervasive pattern; for example, a person who shows these criteria only in one or two relationships or situations would not properly be diagnosed with NPD):

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by other special people
4. requires excessive admiration
5. strong sense of entitlement
6. takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious or believes others are envious of him or her
9. arrogant affect.

Most importantly, "It is unusual for people to seek therapy for NPD. Subconscious fears of exposure of inadequacy are often met with defensive disdain of therapeutic processes"

this explains the last few questions asked very clearly

this is a great article on how to recognize a narcissist:

If you are involved with one or have a pattern of it, which you might, this last page is helpful.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone we all know and loved.

Anonymous said...

fits him 100% and it seems like with a lot of people over years

i read that this type does seek out help unless they are made to somehow and if they somehow do, they usually are not able to change anyhow

my sayings are:
once a liar always a liar
once a creep always a creep

he is not a good person and i dunno about the rest of you but i am glad i read all this so that i know it just wasnt me. it makes it all clearer and thank goodness the site is here now to warn anyone. he might be hiding under the skirt tails of someone new now but it wont last forever no way no how

any girl who would date him now knowing all this really needs help
she cant say she was not warned unlike the rest of us unsuspecting ones who should have been smarter than we were

i should have known better

Anonymous said...

why would someone get sexually turned on over mice or other animals being sat on or stepped on

does anyone else get it

this crushing seems lost here now and and it is one of the main sick things in addition to telling people they are the only ones he ever told about the fetish-that is just pure mental manipulation to make people think they are special when they are not special at all to him-he must have wanted people to think that so that they would talk about it with him

what do psychiatrists and professionals say about crushing . anyone know? and why it would turn someone on ? i find nothing sexual about it mabye the power part (?)

Anonymous said...

I agree! I wonder what the psychichiatrists would say about why would any woman want to do it for some guy and get turned on by doing it or apparently writing about it to him. I've read some of these posts about how they would spend hours writing about it to turn him on. I would never do anything or even suggest anything like that? Desperate to please types maybe?

Anonymous said...

What would a shrink say about drama seeking female like the last poster?

What would a shrink say about a female who would move in with a man knowing that he has written to hundreds of women about crushing mice, hamsters, and more? But the women pretends this didn't happen and takes her anger out on the women instead of the man and she runs about town acting like he is a wonderful man. Sicko?

What would a shrink say about a female who isn't capable of facing the truth and instead blames the women he was involved with instead?

Only one type of person would make the last post: a mentally ill and morally void one. Talk about needy and desperate to please!

Anonymous said...

looking through all the posts, he initiated these crushing conversations but most of the women did not like it but liked other things about him

since he told them they were the ONLY ones he ever shared this with, most women would be attracted to THAT not the crushing. It is basic human nature to want to feel special and if someone tells you that you are so special that they trust you enough to share something like this with you and have never told any other human being before in their lives, then that is highly manipulative on his end. it is predator behavior that is clearly described in the psychiatric literature. it is classic of abusers.

shame on you for blaming the women. what is wrong with you? there is a real coldness around a human being who would blame others yet defend a man who manipulated women like this.

Anonymous said...

back to the original question.

what is it about crushing that would turn a guy on like this?

surely his current gal knows and talks about with him too. obsessions like this don't just go away. he still has them whether he tells her or not. regardless of the women, he initiated it and it is his obsession and fantasy, not theirs. that is the point. the point is he gets off on seeing women with large behinds sit on and crush mice and other creatures. and / or stepping on them in shiny patent shoes

so what do the shrinks say about this? back to original question

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if it's only desperate types who get involved with these fantasies, but well, for me, sure I admit it, maybe not someone with a history of good relationship with men. Plus, I'm pretty open to things outside the box and this whole thing was presented to me as an art film. Even the legislation criminalizing the commercial production and sale of these films makes an exception for that.

But, my involvement really could be likened to the put a frog in a pot of cold water scenario and gradually turn the heat up. Howie gradually led me into this little by little and the steps were so gradual that it took me a great while to notice. Had he approached me at the beginning with what he was after, I'd have jumped out of the pot upon the first encounter but it didn't happen that way. The "courting" into this fetish was far more sophisticated and obviously well practiced by Howie given his cut and pastes.

Okay, I take full responsibility for being a fool, but I'm also a pretty honest person and I really thought that someone who had positive comments about him in the news would be an honest person too. That persona of Howie's as being the nicest guy in comedy, affable, a great volunteer to the community etc well that clouded my thinking so it took much longer to add my personal experience of him as actually being really creepy and devoid of empathy to the positive view I had before I made my own judgement.

Oh, plus, part of my experience with Howie was good. Except for now I find because of this blog it was all cut and paste lies he told to everyone else. That just makes me feel violated. That my emotions were maniuplated, yeah, I was just a tool for his fetish.

Okay, I've learned a good but a hard lesson. No, healthy women would run away from Howie as fast as they can. No, I wasn't desperate but sure vunerable at the time I was writing, but really I didn't see it coming and I just wanted to see the best in everyone Howie included.

I guess I'll just be more cynical now when it comes to men given this example. I'll add women to that too after reading Nanc's defense.

Really I think it's just better to be alone to be honest. If I'm so bad at trusting a man who can do such evil things without regret I really have some thinking to do.

Just glad this blog gave me the big picture or I'd still be confused. God help anyone else how gets involved with this mentally ill man.

Anonymous said...

-- QUOTE: I agree! I wonder what the psychichiatrists would say about why would any woman want to do it for some guy and get turned on by doing it or apparently writing about it to him. END QUOTE

Nice post, Howie. I see your style of confusing, run-on sentences and bad spelling hasn't improved.
My psychiatrist said I was too trusting and you filled the void in my life. He said you were emotionally stunted with infantile reactions to interpersonal problems, and probably incapable of having a honest, adult relationship.

Anonymous said...

He is infantile in his reactions to interpersonal problems. He can take his profile off everywhere on the internet and not talk to anyone but that does not change who and what he is and what he did to people.

He is a coward and incapable of honest adult communication. He is also incapable of insight and he is incapable of empathy. He knows how to fake it for a short time to get what he wants but bottom line.... he is a classic narcissist with a severe personality disorder.

These types DO NOT change ever and the best thing to do is run as fast you can away from them. So yes it is just as much our fault-yes we all had red flags. But this is a manipulative man and he did not start with the fantasies. He ropes you in and manipulates you first.

Telling a woman that they are the ONLY person in the entire world that they ever shared this deep dark fantasy with is highly manipulative and sick.

Anonymous said...

One thing I noticed was that all our emails on's network were all relatively normal. Then I was given a more personal email address that supposedly not too many people knew about and right after that I got a similar email to the one mentioned earlier about Howie's been thinking about a film idea. You know, the one he'd never mentioned to anyone before. The one that was cut and pasted to God knows how many women.

I wish I had known back then there even was such a thing as a crush fetish. I had no idea such a desire even existed. Spread the word is all I can say, this fetish exists, Howie's got it, be warned and don't make the same mistakes I/We did.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyhow who wrote this man or dated him you overlook this fetish / ignore it. His case is a given, it is a sign of serious disease-but also maybe you should all look at yourselves real hard square in the mirror especially the new woman. Moving in with him after seeing all these posts? Your posts of denial, external blame and excuse are atrocious. Knowing about these other women and how he manipulated and hurt them? I hope you are in serious therapy with someone who tells you the truth straight on vs those shrinks who tell you you are ok no matter what. This is NOT ok-what he did and the fetish is a sign of real mental illness....

Anonymous said...

has anyone else noticed that nanc looks just like lindz? an older (much older) version thouh, could be her mother ... kind of creepy
but the smile, the hair, the body, the bee-hind, everything almost.

Anonymous said...

Don't put much stock in the resemblence. Every man has a certain type he's attracted to, and both women fit the type.
What I think is more curious is that Howie has five Myspace accounts.

Anonymous said...

the woman is simply another marketing tool, it is so obvious to anyone who has been around a long time.. just another smiley dyed blond with a big behind- the better to crush rats with my dear

the my space thing is pretty creepy but so is he so who is he, so it is no surprise

maybe it is just a new safe place to discuss his crushing fetish
since he is cut off from his usual avenues.

and yes ladies, he still does discuss the crushing. they don't use the word fetish for nuthin!

Anonymous said...

all comedians seem to have myspace accounts so it is probably just another marketing tool, its all bullshit for howie anyhow, everything that comes out of his mouth is pretty much a lie or bullshit because he is the most phony, fake, unaware full of crap person you will ever meet; his image of himself is so distorted that he has worked very hard to project some imaginary one to the public and this is is his forte-being a self-marketer

also those of u who get down on Nancy, should really feel sorry for her. anyone who would be so desperate for a guy that she would accept this little really has a problem. anyone who would accept the lies and pretend he is capable of changing and true intimacy when the truth is people don't change all that much, especially narcissists like him

she actually had the gall to tell some that she was giving HIM a safe place to heal - this made us want to barf-he destroyed and hurt all these women who wrote here, yet she is giving HIM a place to heal from his past? i mean that is just demented....

feel sorry for her.....and be glad you are not in her very very are all the lucky ones..she seems to think people are jealous of her (she wrote that here)but pity her.

Anonymous said...

His comedian Myspace account is his newest one. Hey, it even lists his real age of 51! So maybe Nancy is "healing" him into telling the truth. Snort.
He has four more accounts, including one that is private. His ages on those vary from 47 to 49, and one says he lives in Sacramento.
That's quite an ego she has, casting herself as Howie's Savior.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about Howie's relationship with Nancy, how old he is, or what not. It's just damn scarey though that a known complusive lier and crush fetish addict is lurking around on myspace.

The "privacy" he asks for is just another way of hiding his dirty secret and making the victims feel guilty for participating to any degree.

keeping bad secrets - "A secret is not a secret if it makes you cry"

Howie's secrets are secrets that make women feel bad, angry and alientate them from their friends and families. They end up being ashamed of what they've done and then he calls them stalkers.

The people who believe his stalker cover up are also victims of Howie's lies.

Howie is nothing less than an online sexual predator who lies to women about his feeling for them to get them to talk about crushing animals in graphic description.

People need to be warned. Bad secrets hurt people, and hurt them badly.......and in Howie's case, animals too.

Anonymous said...

I think it is serious insecurity rather than a big ego. Either way, something is very very wrong. It is sick either way. There is also something of real depth and character lacking. I find it pathetic and sad, but not sad enough that I won't keep trying to warn people.

Anonymous said...

Are you all sitting near a bucket where you can gag and throw up??

Please note that none of the posts were written on the dates of the posts but all recently.

Anonymous said...

yep everything is bullshit and marketing and that just proves it.

still she'll keep him off the net away from others so this is good ladies....

they are now on a mission it seems to prove to the world what a wonderful guy he is.
could they be any more obvious? it is so sickeningly grossly demented and sweet what she wrote. i did want to gag. it is all just more proof of mental illness to me and anyone who could stand to read that blither blather she wrote would see through her in two seconds. SICK SICK SICK

don't forget the phrase 'me thinks though dost protest too much' nanc's blog is perfect perfect evidence of this. & no place for comments either!!

Anonymous said...

Geez, they are trying to do damage control, aren't they? Of course, her blog is new, and those are many of the same photos are Howie posted on his MySpace page in the last week.
What woman would start a blog about a guy she just started dating? That would make any man -- sane or not -- head for the hills.
The fact that he (and she) are doing a PR campaign makes me even more disgusted with him.
I don't live in Tahoe. Are the locals being fooled?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link.....haha....I'm amazed she didn't find a place to write that they were having great sex too.

At the end of the day, I've got copies of the emails full of lies, the movie, and the compulsive fetish.

Nancy's the goddess enabler I'll give her credit for that, me, I'd be mortified and I bet her kids would be scared for her too if they knew the truth about her partner.

Anonymous said...

the blog is so "over the top" isn't it? if you have a great relationship, there is no need to be talking about it on the internet like that and all the photos..

i have to say I am grateful she got him off the internet. but if she truly believes everything she is writing, she can't be too bright

she is not describing the man i dated

Anonymous said...

You know, after reading that blog, all I have to say is Nancy is being used by Howie just as much as he used the rest of us.

It's contrived, a cover up and a giant red flag. Her kids, family and friends should be very worried for her.

The man she describes matches the profile Howie had, but that was just pure fantasy on the writers part. The reality of a relationship with Howie rests in the previous posts on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The thing that amazes me is that they must really think this approach of theirs, is what is needed for damage control. I really thought Howie was smarter than that and better at PR. It surprises me how dense he obviously is about all this.

The blog and his my space album just make him look phony and her stupid. The photos and the blog reek of excessive narcissism, more of me me me and look at me. Look at my party, look at my gifts, look at my girl. Me, me, me, me, this is me world! Me, Me, Me and my gal!!!!!!!!

A secure self-assured man and couple would never have the need to do these things, even with this blog, that is why it looks so silly and contrived.

Your comments about her blog are so on. Only she made a choice to be used.

How sad and scary that they really think that that is why people posted here- because they are jealous and once they see Howie with "his gal", that will set the record straight. That is just the way someone with a personality disorder would think too. It really is telling.

Anonymous said...

HE IS DENSE and i think it is because he truly believes that everyone on here is a stalker, and she helps him with this delusion. There are so many better PR tactics to take but he is not capable of seeing that. zero capacity for insight or understanding how others see him.

I think he thinks this is revenge or counter attack for this blog, but it makes him look so stupid in so many ways

also, for someone who is so happy supposedly, he looks terrible. He has aged about 20 years since I saw him last and has put on about 30 pounds or more!

Anonymous said...

Ordering a custom baked birthday cake shaped like a woman's butt, and posting the photo on a blog about their happiness has got to be the epitome of bad taste given this history of Howie using women as tools for his crush fetish.

I don't know what they were thinking when they put that up. If I read this blog and then saw that photo, I'd end up concluding that as a couple they engage in this crush fetish.

There is a frightening lack of empathy that couple displays given the pile of lies that Howie's told other women about their being the only one.

Those two live in a world of there own.

Anonymous said...

the locals.....well hmmmm

lets say more than some thought the cake was tasteless and not funny

weve seen other nancs come and go it looks to us she found a new kid and he found another mama

all the phony baloney BS on my space and her webpage fools no one, even supposed friends.

funny what one person calls a friend, others call business contact or acquantance

Anonymous said...

The thought has crossed my mind more than once that Howie has found a mother replacement in Nancy. She sounds controlling in her posts here, and she is aggressive in her defenses and excuses for him.
If she hasn't already, she will see the real Howie soon enough. He was on his almost-best behavior for about a year with me with occasional glimpses of his true nature. It's only a matter of time before she experiences what the rest of us experienced (and I don't mean the fetish).
I wonder if she will be humble enough to admit how wrong she was about him and the rest of us. I don't know her though; she might be the type who pretends all is sunny in the midst of a hurricane.

Anonymous said...

so so so so so true......

"There is a frightening lack of empathy that couple displays given the pile of lies that Howie's told other women about their being the only one."

Anonymous said...

haha........for God's sakes if you're going to post a blog that supposedly looks like it was a work in progress over the last year or so don't be dumb enough to post on March 26th 2007 that you are busy planning a SURPRISE bithday party for Howie!

How can anyone expected to believe the subsequent entry on April 28th 2007 "Happy Birthday Howie !The surprise event was pulled off without a hitch! Yeah! " o man is this chick dumb. really really dumb

Anonymous said...

Stalker Potential my word!

Still it must be hard for an older woman to leave home with the hope of a perfect romance only to end up in a relationship with a guy who writes to dozens of women about sitting on rats and doesn't even acknowledge her as the girlfriend until he needed it for PR reasons. And even more embarrassing to think her frends back home are reading all about it.

It would have been good if she could have gotten Howie into some kind of serious therapy but from her blog they don't see there's a problem.

Anonymous said...

she has never been balanced ever but dating a guy who gets off on sitting on rats? and she knew this ahead of time?

Anonymous said...

are you saying she knew this about him before she moved to Tahoe? that he is sexually excited by women sitting on rats and other animals? did she know this and see this blog before she moved in with him?

Anonymous said...

I so agree with that post "it must be hard for an older woman to leave home with the hope of a perfect romance," I am so sick of men who say whateber it takes and are so two-faced. I have dozens of friends who have been burned by loser guys.
I know a woman who is a realy good person and behind her back her husband (and father) was on the internet doing some pretty creepy things, and now we feel so sorry for her. There are so many men that have lied to women, you'd think they would have evolved a bit by now? There is no perfect romance.

Anonymous said...

there are some nice guys out there, but the subject of this blog is just not one of them. i feel sorry for her that she does not release it, and i hope she never is hurt like we were! but more importantly i feel sorry for her that she thinks the best tactic is to rub it in the faces of women who were hurt. that is just a terrible thing to do......even with this blog

she wrote on her blog that the timing is right and that you cannot change the times of the posts but that is NOT true

Anonymous said...

Not change times on a blog? bullshit! All you have to do is import a text file for your entries instead of creating them from the interface.

Blogs provide this feature so people can move from one blog provider to another without having to lose the history of their blog. You export the blog as a text file from one blog provider, make any changes in the text file you want, including dates and then import it into another blog provider's program.

Or if you wanted to create a blog that looked like it was old, all you'd have to do is create all the entries you wanted in a text file, dummy dates etc. and import it.

Anonymous said...

I need a part time girl for christmas
One has a great big rear
One who fits in spandex
and all my fetish gear
not for office parties
This secret is sincere
I want a part time girl for Christmas
or maybe just her rear

I want a part time girl for Christmas
One who lives real far away
One who'll just come visit
The kind who pays her way
One who has no hang-ups
like blogging, my biggest fear
I want a part time girl for christmas
so folks won't think I'm queer

I didn't seem to realize
all these women would be stunned
now my ex-girlfriends are all busy
penning wisdom; I've gotta run

I need a full time girl for Christmas
Show Tahoe I'm not alone
One with low brow humor
that lives in the twilight zone
She can't be very idle
at this desperate of year
I need a full time girl for Christmas
Who can blog starting last year

We need to show some huge commitment
Not just a lover or a friend
Someone to share cyberspace with
until this blog is at its end
Townfolks will think I'm happy
though there is one thing I fear
What if she likes me so much
and is my new stalker next year?

I want a full time mom for christmas
One has a great big rear
One who fits in spandex
and all my fetish gear
One who's not demanding
cuz I'm not honest or sincere
I want a full time mom for christmas
at least until the end of my nadir.

Anonymous said...

**at this desperate time of year

Anonymous said...

that blog of hers does make him look desperate; they look like loons

this blog though is not about her even though she has tried to make it so. this blog is about how Howie mistreated multiple women for many years it appears. having someone new and heavily marketing that fact hardly erases the harm and pain he caused. i was hoping he would go to therapy too but it is obvious he hasn't. i know for a fact he tells people the women on this blog LIKED talking about crushing with him and now are all stalkers and jealous of his current relationship. he does not believe he did anything wrong period. period! and he found the perfect stupid stupid enabler to use

your song is amazing and also so true!

you are talented! publish the song everywhere I say! i am sure many publications might be interested in your song

Anonymous said...

what does the last sentence of the song mean?

Anonymous said...

nadir is "an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything"

Who cares if nanc has a blog about her happiness, real or not, no one is begrudging her that.

It's just that anyone who comes across a compulsive liar and narcissist like Howie Nave should be given the heads up on what to expect. You'll be lied to, manipulated and blamed (labeled a stalker) for standing up for yourself. Run Away!!! Run Away!!!

Anonymous said...

corrected version -

I want a part time girl for christmas
One that has a great big rear
One who fits in spandex
and all my fetish gear
not for office parties
This secret is sincere
I want a part time girl for Christmas
or maybe just her rear

I want a part time girl for Christmas
One who lives real far away
One who'll just come visit
The kind who pays her way
One who has no hang-ups
like blogging, my biggest fear
I want a part time girl for christmas
so folks won't think I'm queer

I didn't seem to realize
all these women would be stunned
now my ex-girlfriends are all busy
penning wisdom; I've gotta run

I need a full time girl for Christmas
Show Tahoe I'm not alone
One with low brow humor
that lives in the twilight zone
She can't be very idle
at this desperate time of year
I need a full time girl for Christmas
Who can blog starting last year

We need to show some huge commitment
Not just a lover or a friend
Someone to share cyberspace with
until that blog is at its end
Townfolks will think I'm happy
though there is one thing I fear
What if she likes me so much
and is my new stalker next year?

I want a full time mom for christmas
One has a great big rear
One who fits in spandex
and all my fetish gear
One who's not demanding
cuz I'm not honest or sincere
I want a full time mom for christmas
at until the end of my nadir.

Anonymous said...

to the tune of
Part Time Girl for Christmas by Howie Nave

Anonymous said...

QUOTE: i know for a fact he tells people the women on this blog LIKED talking about crushing with him END QUOTE

He's admitting to people he gets turned on by crushing? To whom is he telling this? I'm really curious how he explains that part.

(Loved the song. LOL)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on here for a long time. Can't believe that blog. Really I am speechless at the stupidity of it. It is too bad he doesn't have more common sense about how to handle things. Like what about apologizing, showing remorse, humility, etc for the way he mistreated so many of us.
Nanc, well I think she has a very wounded past or something is deeply wrong. It is sad to me. Either way, she is definitely a convenient marketing tool for him now and I don't envy her one bit. I would never want to be in her shoes and I am so glad I am not.

Did anyone else have Howie talk to them about sitting on and crushing babies and how this excited him? Especially Iranian or Iraqi babies-little terrorists? Or was I the only one? Just curious.........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nope he didn`t talk to you or nope the last poster wasn`t the only one?

The baby squishing apparently isn`t uncommon in crush fantasies but I dare say talking about it is going to be taboo.

There`s an online petition trying to help end animal abuse fetishes -

Even if you don`t want to sign it online there are some addresses to write direct emails to.

Anonymous said...

"The baby squishing apparently isn`t uncommon in crush fantasies."

is it true? i don't get it but i know he told me many times that if i told anyone about the fetishes, he would just say I made it up, so he is probably telling people we made all this up

you know how abusers say others are lying? that is why we are all stalkers too of course. stalkers my ass is what i say, if anyone even came close to that,it was because they were so mad at how he treated them, not because they want him

Anonymous said...

i was curious and so i looked up 'crush fetish' and there is a lot on the net about it; it seems most of the mean like big or giantess type women which is interesting dont ya think?

i believe he thinks it is acceptable to have fetishes because he a "comic" and comics are supposed to be weird but that is just a creepy excuse. the affiliation with being a comic sure can be an excuse for lots a things. and yeppers anyone sure can call themselves a comic too
especially people searching for an identity

Anonymous said...

I've met quite a few comics, and know some of them well. The majority aren't weird at all. Howie's in denial about a lot of things. Especially if he thinks people will believe that ALL of the women he's been involved with are nuts. Some of the comics that appear in Tahoe see right through him and say he's full of sh**. And if he's dated as many Tahoe women as it sounds, then the locals also will know, if they don't already, that, too. I'm sure a lot of them know how CHEAP he is, always trying to get things for free. I wonder if his boss knows how many people he lets in the club for free in exchange for stuff. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I hope some people get it. Too bad Howie isn't the guy he presents himself to be. I didn't think there was a nanc, and I still don't think Howie hasn't had a big hand in the posts signed by her but........nanc, now that we know she exists, is still unreal. They are a perfect match I'll admit. Too bad he did't find someone who wasn't equally as nuts. I used to think it was just Howie who was creepy, now I think both of them are.

What ever happened to making amends as part of destressing one's life? Guess that is too much to ask of someone mentally disturbed.

Anonymous said...

that woman has no boundaries or identity of her own. she has made howie her life's purpose. have you seen how she infantilizes him? and if she doesn't like being talked about the net maybe she should stop shoving so much bs in the faces of women Howie hurt and treated like shit, and instead make him see a shrink and be real. only NO, she wholeheartedly supports his delusion that we are just all mean people and stalkers; how stupid can she be

and is it a joke that on his new blog he says he is intolerant of stupid people.? he isn't so bright himself

and the part about being cheap-oh man, yes. yet he says people use him for tickets!! he says it all the time! he says it is part of Tahoe life to get all that stuff for free

Anonymous said...

Did Howie ever date women (or men for that matter) who were fellow comics? I wonder if he kept his dating life out of his professional circles so peers wouldn't find out about his crush fetish and all the lies.

Which pisses me off more, being lied to or being labeled a stalker? Being called a stalker for sure.

Anonymous said...

He has dated a couple of men and the secret is out among some of us. What she doesn't know is that she's being used to hide that bigger secret, but I heard from someone the other day they broke up. She probably got tired of being used by the guy

Anonymous said...

Interesting rumor. Maybe her visiting parents were able to talk some sense into her. Howie really has no qualms about using anyone and turing someone's life, heart etc. into a shambles.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if they broke up or not, but he removed all of her photos from his MySpace page. She's still his top friend though.
Where does he say he's intolerant of stupid people? That's rich! He likes to come across as a "brainiac" in his words, but you don't have to talk to him that long before you realize his intelligence level is merely average. He has no "mental filter"; he would say the most ridiculous things sometimes.
When I think about our whole relationship, I can't remember very many positive things. Or even why I was attracted to him. He entered my life when I was at my lowest -- and he knew it. Manipulated the crap out of me.
But, aside from reading here on occasion, I totally cut him out of my life years ago. If anyone here (or anywhere) can find peace and healing, and find the happiness and love she deserves.

Anonymous said...

His blog on his web page says that he hates stupidity but it is also something he says, and often. Rich is right. He is smart, but not in the emotional IQ department.

All this pain could have been avoided if only Howie had decided to act like a decent man. I wish he would get some serious help for himself.

Anonymous said...

He also made a huge mess of my life emotionally. I gave and he took and used. I am not surprised any more at anything I hear. I think probably he is gay. The sexual part was always very off between us and I am a very sexual person. It is like the button wasn't there. If he is gay, it is too bad he can't just admit it openly. And if not, hey stop treating women like dirt.

I don't know what pisses me off more either. Being cut off and called a stalker and lied about by him, all the lies he told me or the pain he caused me and others. Being called a stalker is probably the worst though and being cast aside when he is finished using you as if you are nothing, just a speck of dirt.


Anonymous said...

Has he really dated a couple men? Recently? You say the secret is out among "us." Do you mean the comics?

Her blog (i mean her devotion to Howie) is down. Anyone know why? Maybe people here said too much but she was not exactly nice to anyone before her. I feel bad if she is hurt, but she was certainly not nice to me or others. Or maybe she finally wised up.

Curious minds want to know the scoop.

Anonymous said...

He is gay and like so many entertainers they hide stuff like that so people don't find out. look at tom cruise for god's sake, that guy is totally gay and has a brain-dead pretend wife and there is tons of proof about that yet he denies it, pictures and people even have letters he wrote to other men. some of the entertainers i've met are into really weird kinky s*** like you wouldn't believe and just use that to get dates or sex. they all hide who they are.

Anonymous said...

I'm another one who won't be surprised to hear he is gay. He gets a big kick out of pretending he is. Sexually, with me, he was all talk and no action.

Anonymous said...

Bulletin: Nanc isn't on Howie's MySpace anymore -- in his photos or as his friend. She's changed her default photo to just one of her.
Wonder if they've really broken up, or if this is just another bullshit game.

Anonymous said...

he was all talk and no action with me too;

and there is kinky and there is kinky. and crushing animals and babies to me is not kinky in a sexy way......does nothing for me and i like kink of all kinds

ps i knew there was a reason he liked asses as much as he does. you say it with conviction as if you KNOW he is gay though, i guess i am still surprised he is, why spend so much time on personal ads chatting then with women? hours and hours and hours. with what he does, who would care if he was gay or not; he is hardly a tom cruise

Anonymous said...

my guess is it is a game, sorry

Anonymous said...

If he is gay and I think he is there are good reasons he wouldn't want anyone to know, like his family or friends and all the years telling everyone he isn't. he comes from the generation of people hiding that, IF he has even comes to terms with it.

Anonymous said...

have you read his blog today? talking about relationships? I posted a reply

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well you never know with Howie do you? Another lie, maybe maybe not, but he isn.t going to get my sympathy. I got sucked into feeling sorry for him so many times, not again.'s her fault. She just couldn't handle the ride.

Some things never change.

Anonymous said...

Man, that ride with Howie is one no sane woman would get on if they had the big picture.

Leave it to Howie to blame the relationship breakdown on the other party.

It is just SO, typical.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i feel sorry for her whatever happened no one deserves a ride on that train. at least now she can move on to something better

Anonymous said...

I will never give one ounce of sympathy or kindness to Howie Nave ever again.

He is so completely full of shit. He says the blog post isn't about him.
And blames others of course. I think it is a game so watch what you post.

And I would not feel to sorry for her unless she decides to apologize to the people who posted here. I tried, and I am not going to do that either.

Anonymous said...

And she was lucky, SHE HAD THE BIG PICTURE.

Most of us unfortunately did not have a clue until we were sucked in and it was too late. He lied to me for a long time and I was so dumb I didn't even know it! The guy is NUTS.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, could be just another one of Howie's head games.......been there done that. Besides, who really cares what happens to them? It's always been irrelevant to this blog anyway. With a cheater like that you'd want to warn people about his crush fetish and psychological manipulations whether he is in a relationship or not.

Who Cares!!!!

Anonymous said...

I could care less either.

He is a scary scary scary man. That is the only reason for this blog.

Anonymous said...

It's probably a stunt to get people to go to his blog because no one was visiting before.

Anonymous said...

I care and am curious about him and thought he might have figured it out, he should by now. I have known him a long time and kinda hoped he found something that worked. one can only hope we find our way in life to grow and I'll continue to preach that to him and everyone.

Anonymous said...

one cannot grow unless one is honest with oneself and I have not seen ONE OUNCE of evidence in that with him unfortunately and i have known him a really long time too

Anonymous said...

Oh Please, from the postings by nanc here can you really say she was good for him? That was / is the most dysfunctional couple in the northern hemisphere since Sid and Nancy.

I hope for growth in Howie and Nanc too, but what an emeshed couple that is / was. Surely you can't look at them and think anyone's prayers were answered. Those two are scary people. Although I was relieved to see they still had their dog.

Anonymous said...

Who knows how they are together ? beats me. I only hope now or eventually he finds his way to his true self, gay, straight, bi, mixed I don't care which, only that its what he was meant to be. i always thought he was hiding himself.

Anonymous said...

Before he can find "his true self," he needs to learn empathy, honesty, humility and sincerity. He needs to face head on that he's hurt many, many people in his life. I don't think he can deal with that reality. I don't think he's capable of such a major transformation. And, more importantly, I don't think he's willing to make such a sacrifice. To find himself and to make amends, he would have to give up everything -- emotionally and philosophically. For him, it's easier to keep playing Mr. Funny, to keep blaming others and to keep hurting people.
I have no hope for him or faith in him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and what if his true self is a guy who's into actually filming women sit on small animals?

Finding one's true self while blind to the impact one has on other's is so 1970.

That guy needs a shrink and it's just not going to happen. Be Warned, Run Away.

Anonymous said...

1970? I think becoming our true selves is still the goal of life, for everyone. not something from back then. its a time-less truth. at least i never heard of it much until my 40s.
but everyone though is capable of change if not i'd have given up on a lot of people, I know for me I sure have changed over the years. Isn't it weird when you go back to reunions and see how much people are different than before? I went to a reunion a few months ago and holy cow it was strange. Its in looking back i think you can see how different you get over time. I like philisofical discussions about life and how and why people do what they do, there is always some kooky reason and usually its your childhood so people are curious to me. I read about all the different beliefs there are and I even talked about that with him and talk about it with anyone who will get into analyzing those kinds of things. when we share we understand why. if we understand why or are at least aware enough to be open and unafraid to look at the why then there is a chance for change, well that's what i hope for in myself and others too.

Anonymous said...

I think you are very naive. And I also wonder what your motives are for getting back into Howie's good graces the moment he might have broken up. Your posts were on his blog too. Some of what Nanc said here was true in that some women would do anything to be with him. I don't know why because he has so many problems, and is not a good partner or mate, but maybe it is his pseudo celebrity status. I saw it when I was with him and it is true a lot of women seem to hound him. I think anyone who would go back for more from Howie Nave better talk to their own shrink fast.

The problem with your statements is that even though it would be lovely to believe that all people are capable of change, that simply is NOT TRUE. Some people are NOT capable of change. This is very clear in the psychiatric journals. Certain personality disorders as an example really do not change even with extensive therapy. So be a bit real and look at your motives a bit more honestly perhaps. If I am wrong, then I apologize.

Anonymous said...

I do not think they broke up. I believe this is a bullshit game on their end and some kind of trap in their crazy minds, because they are upset about things that people are posting on the internet. Some of the posts here yesterday are most likely from her. I think they want people to post on his site instead of here. There is a tracker on his blog and is a bit too convenient that she changes her myspace at the same time he posts about a relationship ending, and then he says it isn't him.

Anonymous said...

Man, I don't give a flying f**k about Howie and Nancy specifically as a couple. If it wasn't her, it would be some other woman. She is just another in a string of women who he's treated badly.
It boils down to this -- he is a lying user with mental issues. No woman should be subjected to his bull and that includes Nancy!
As for him changing his ways, it ain't gonna happen -- ever.

Anonymous said...

If anyone goes posting on his site -- especially if he has a tracker -- is downright dumb. You aren't going to prove any points to him by posting there. Just say no!

Anonymous said...

Howie and Nanc the couple really is irrelevant, although the gawk factor has its draw probably for the same reason it was intriguing to tour bedlam.

Still, I think this blog might not be the most effective way to give a fair warning about Howie to other women and to make some statement to show just how far fetch the idea that ALL these women who post here are stalkers. I don`t particularily care for that label especially when given to me by a guy whose hiding something.

He's not going to change, if not this nanc there will be another one just like her for the same reason Peter Pan has his lost boys.

Still, I just know I would have liked to been given the heads up about Howie before I got involved so I`m thinking of a way that takes less time and effort than posting here to make sure that info is easily seen by anyone trying to take precautions with their own safety. This blog seems to drop out from google searches if there aren't active posts.

hum...........thinking, thinking, thinking

Anonymous said...

When i first saw this blog, I didn't even believe there was a Nanc. Because he is not capable of a good relationship. He is a LIAR and a USER.

I don't care about her either except for she did come here and post bad things about people and helped him in his delusions which angers me. No she doesn't deserve his bullshit or abuse, but she was a willing participant and had a warning others didn't and she was plain nasty to the women here. A real bitch, sorry.

Still if she came here one day, I would try to welcome her because yes, no one deserves his abuse.

Warning people was my only intent ever so yes come up with another idea because all these posts also are lost. The message at this point is a bit lost. The message is WATCH OUT FOR HOWIE NAVE.

I used to want to say GET HELP HOWIE but he is not going to.

Anonymous said...

Ok dear Gals, I'll admit to y'all.... i wanna know which specific male comics Howie has dated...... hahahahaha All week I have had these images like what kind of guy is his type ya know? blondes, brunettes, tall, fat, chubby? hahaha

Someone with a big rear like Ralphie May???? Or who! Spill the beans fellow comedians sounds like you know the buzz!! :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

poor nancy kerry. really i feel so sorry for her and so should all of you. she doesn't really understand what shes involved in here. maybe she she is naive, or not bright, or maybe she just has such a bad past that she would choose a man like this. she thinks if she stays by his side and supports him through thick and thin she will be rewarded somehow. it is very tragic really

Anonymous said...

i feel so badly for her too

maybe she will figure it out at some point and get some help and even tell people here

we all made the mistake too, right? i know i was fooled

i know what a mess he made of my head. i don't wish it on anybody

Anonymous said...

quote: "Someone with a big rear like Ralphie May????"


Anonymous said...

I also feel bad for her too, even though I don't think she was very kind to the women here either; maybe someday she can admit how wrong she was.

If i had been smarter, I wouldn't have gotten so involved with him. I do understand how she could be fooled because even once I saw how he really was, it was hard for me to totally get away. This blog REALLY helped me see it was not me, it was him 100%! It would have helped if he would have been honest, which he never ever was.

If she was smart, she'd pack her bags and get out of town as soon as she can before she is even more enmeshed than she already is. It is hard to face the truth about someone. He is so manipulative and such a shit.. If he has been dating men, he should not be living with her unless she knows about experience with him though was that he was a pathological liar. I could list 50 or more HUGE lies he told me right here but I won't. I don't give a shit anymore and I am glad to be free of him.

Anonymous said...

After a lot of thought, I think the person I feel most sorry for is Howie. Because he is so un self-aware and can't really look at himself in an honest way. He really does not see that he has deeply hurt so many people, and that it is not funny or a joke, and we are not stalkers. He could have ended this blog with a different tactic. And I do not think he has gotten the real help that he needs. So that is sad. He has a way of pushing woman who really might have cared about him sincerely to their edge and I feel for anyone who gets caught up in that. ...its sad.

Anonymous said...

Gals, he reads EVERY SINGLE word of this blog. EVERY single word, and then he guesses about who says what. But I know 100% that most of his guesses are wrong. Howard, you think you know who is writing things? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! It is none of the people you mentioned on the new catch me e blog, not one of them! You are not as clever as you think! You did not catch me. Your guesses are all through filtered vision. IP addresses do not tell anything, like if someone has wireless access as an example. And people may look and their ip address will show up on stat counter but that does not mean they wrote what you think they did.

Howard, if you got some real help and made real amends, maybe no one would write here anymore.

It would be obvious if you had serious help because you would have more insight then and kindness towards those you have hurt. Try humility. Read the teachings of Jesus. Come clean.
Maybe all of this has been a sign, a gift to you perhaps.

Anonymous said...

-- you mentioned on the new catch me e blog --

What is this?

Anonymous said...

A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings himself harm (Pr. 11:17).

The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out (Pr. 10:9).

The noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands (Is. 32:8).

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the
interests of others (Ph. 2:3-4).

The Lord detests lying lips but delights in men who are truthful (Pr. 12:22).

Psalms 5:6 Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.

Anonymous said...

Catching people's IP addresses? What would that matter? Is it somehow wrong to post the truth about the way Howie treats women? Is it a crime to look at someone's blog or even post? Hardly.

What's the "catch me blog?"

Anonymous said...

And just what would the guy do if he "caught someone" sue them? All that would do would PROVE the rumors. He'd be worse off than before. He should just apologize.

Anonymous said...

I went and visited Howie about 4 weeks ago, now don't go getting all mad and saying I'm still wanting him and all that, I'm not. I just wanted to talk to him. And we talked for about 2 hours. I admitted to posting on here sometimes and I questioned him about it. I have to disagree with someone here because he doesn't know the details but nancy does. They hired someone to look into it.
They even know who the woman they work with is too who said nasty things about them here, but he wouldn't tell me who it was and he was actually sorry for her because she's been through a lot he says. She claims to be religious and kind of a friend I guess.
but after a couple of hours takling with him, I left believing he was more his true self which I posted on here a few days ago. I am into-that kind of thing. And, he did apologize to me. I really hate telling you that because I think you'll make fun of me for saying that, or say I'm stupid, but when I told him things, he opened up more so than I had seen before. I didn't have feelings for him in that way it's just what happened.
I know I shouldn't say anything nice about him here, but after the "shrink in retirement" said we should look at ourselves and the person posted all those scriptures I feel bad not telling the truth. He has apologized and all he really date me a few times and we emailed for a couple of years. we all have different experiences and i have to at least be honest about that.

Anonymous said...

One of the first steps to recovery is facing what you have done. I suggest you make a second trip to see Mr. Nave and tell him it's time to spend a few soulful hours reading about how much pain has been felt by others as a consequence of believing his lies. How is claiming ignorance a sign of growth?

These "nasty" things being said about Howard are actually true.

Anonymous said...

Its very nice you made your peace. However, dear, he is lying to you that he is not aware of what is going on. And he uses poor N. Why she chooses to be the fool I don't understand, but I pray for her that she finds the strength to face the truth. Love is blind sayeth some. And some think they know love and accept less than they deserve because inside they do not feel worthy.

All humans deserve a truly fabulous relationship with an honest soul, true open communication, loyalty, and even mind blowing two way sex that is good for both parties. No woman should settle for half nor should she be a front for a coward.

The last writer was very accurate. Tell Mr. Nave on your next visit that claiming ignorance and using others are not signs of growth.

Anonymous said...

Why would you think he was ‘ignorant’ of anything? I didn’t say that. I did think you’d probably attack what I wrote, maybe I didn’t explain enough. I was trying to keep some of what we talked about a little private to protect myself but I also apologized to him and I know you’ll go off on me for that because you want to keep this evil picture of him.

Why would I even think I (or you) should decide what is best for two people and “mind blowing sex” ? what’s that about? Who cares what somone’s personal life is. But, this site has actually helped me look a lot at myself. I DID write him for hours at a time and we cyber-sexed which I hate to tell you but I liked it, sometimes I raced home to see if he was there and apparently he and others did the same thing. So we sat online playing with ourselves I guess. It’s EMBARRASSING but if I tell the whole truth I must say I liked it a lot. I didn’t care one bit what I talked (typed) about with him or anyone else for that matter. Someone on here posted that I could have just closed the computer if I didn’t like it. And they were right. When I went to talk to him, it was to get away from all the stuff on this blog and remind myself why we were ever friends in the first place. I liked the guy. He was kinky and funny. And, in a sad way, it was safe for me.

There has been a lot of blame on here all directed at him and yet he never one time asked me to do or say or write or talk to him about anything I didn’t want to. Only when I found out he talked to, dated, chatted, cybersexed with others did I start writing how mad I was but, actually this site has helped me realize several things. Like, the internet is not the way to date or find a guy and whatever I do find online may not be the way that person is. Some I’ve met are married, some look very different, and really I’ve hardly met anyone online I ended up caring very much about. And I thank those who yelled on here about look at yourself I did. I said some pretty nasty stuff to more than just him online. There are a lot of people out there who will talk pretty darn dirty and it doesn’t take much to make that happen.

When I met up withhim recently what was good to express myself directly instead of thinking he or she or whatever will. I shouldn’t have blamed him completely we each take responsibility for our parts for every relationship we have. I don’t feel sorry for Nanc or Nancy or whatever for being with the guy I feel bad for making her into a raging lunatic too (I said some pretty nasty crap on here about he). I met her that night and she was a hell of a lot more open about him having a private 2 hour conversation with a past girlfriend than I would have been. I know he found out I was posting through the guy he hired but he never said an angry word to me about it I would have kicked my ass. Instead he hugged me and said he was glad to have finally found what was missing. Nancy dragged him to temple he said and then they met with the Rabbi for many months so I don’t know if that is what helped. I would have confronted the woman he works with who posted on her, but he shared that her life has been hell and I guess I was faced with , if the guy is such an a-hole why not act like one? I really would have gotten int he face of that woman if I was him because she pretends to his face at work like eveyrthing is fine. Now, i have to say THAT is pretty shitty too.

Worst part and this is most embarrassing, is that I am a Christian. A Sunday school teacher no less. I know… you will condemn me now, but part of what I need to do is fess up to ask God to forgive me for me for making sex and sexual chat and online cybersex with him and others part of my life. I want a Godly man of good character. I dated one recently I thought but later found out he was into porn and even the lowest of low of low he was even into the sickest of porn. And I realized too many of us are sick on the internet between sex and blogging. I was one of them.

I wouldn’t have posted all this, I’m sharing too much. Not sure if you are open minded enough for the another perspective. There are a few things I’m not going to write he told me. But you said he was ignorant of something and I had to say, then so was I.

I wish you good wishes really, I am much happier telling my whole story now, l feel more honest, like a burden lifted. I really hope you won’t minimize my own story it has been difficult to admit so much and over the past few weeks I’ve tried to say less but to offer tidbits. Whoever posted the Proverbs stuff thanks that was the final push I needed to be more honest with you.

Anonymous said...

It is nice you found your peace dear, i am not the one who attacked you.
I don't think anyone attacked to you actually. I think they said you were naive and that he has not changed and you also need to respect others that he hurt and you aren't totally doing that...... since you are looking at yourself please see that others had different experiences.

Also the guy he "hired" cannot see IP addresses of who writes here. So that is another lie. Lying is evil. Lying is manipulative.

Anonymous said...

I didn't write that I knew what the 'person hired' knows or finds or how.

and you wrote, "since you are looking at yourself please see that others had different experiences" that's my point. There are many different experiences of everyone in life. He's sure changed with me you can't say something you don't know. you said you haven't even talked to him i a long time so how do you know. I don't want to get into a my life, your life, thing. you don't know me and none of us really know other people unless we live with them.I hardly know what my sisters are like really and i've known them a very long time.

I haven't found peace=I accepted the truth about my involvement and admitted i like others liked writing him. that's it.

Anonymous said...

It's fantastic that you have reaffirmed your faith in yourself. And it's fine -- for you -- that you've found Howie a changed man.
Excuse me ifI am wrong, but you make it sound like most of your relationship with Howie was online.
Mine was not. Mine was in person. Mine lasted for years. Yes, there was a lot of IMing and emails, too. We never did cybersex, and I only heard about his fetish one time, which had called "a dream he had."
But there were still the bald-face lies, the sudden silences and the excuses. When I would call him on it, he'd make up another lie to cover for the first one. He mistreated me -- in person and on line. He distorted our "history" to other people, making me look like the "psycho bitch."
So, if you are at peace; I congratulate you.
For me, there aren't enough "Days of Atonement" to cover the hurt he's caused to women over the years.

Anonymous said...

This is a brand new person writing, just so you know. Good for you for doing work on yourself! I do have to tell you though reading here, that no one is attacking you! No one! I don't see that. I see that they are not agreeing with you, yet you are choosing to take that as attacking. So relax, it is ok that you had an experience that helped you. Why does everyone have to agree with you?

A rabbi? oy vay! I am sorry, but that is not a psychiatrist which is what he needs, along with board licensed psychotherapists with lots of training. Plus honesty and a willingness to sincerely look within. Nothing you can say, nothing could ever convince me that is there. I don't believe it.

I don't see that most of the women here are even trying to change him. I don't see them saying that. I think they merely want him to stop hurting people and they want to warn other women as they were not warned. I wish I would have had this blog as a warning.
Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

The "catch me blog" is a blog with threats based upon some very false assumptions regarding IP address and who is posting and why etc. I've saved it. Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Threats? Where is this blog?

Anonymous said...

The catcha blog can be found at and it supposedly was written, if not by someone hired to assist Howie. My legal name is Elisabeth Marie and some of the biographical details are similar to mine but not all.

I was going to post this response there but I don't have a google account to sign in so I'll post it here instead.


Yes, indeed I have found your blog. You could have just sent me an email since Howie has my address.

Clearly you do not have access to the IP addresses of who posted from
your comments. I know this, you know this, I don't even care.

The issue with Howie is not a personal one for me but one that
fascinates me in terms of consciousness and philosophical and moral dilemmias. No doubt you have the CD of the dreams I sent to Howie and the book the Miami Giant.
Interesting the case of sychronicity. No?

I concede the fact that you will stop all efforts to warn people about Howie and have no moral qualms about who might get hurt in the process and you are far more devoted to this job than I am.

The lies that Howie told are evil. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of
trying to warn people. My parents and friends would also be proud. I guess the challenge for me is to see if this experience of evil can be used to bring about a greater good. It certainly has spurred me on to continue with my philosophy studies, ethical theory etc.

Good luck with your career. A little tip is, don't assume that
everyone operates from your same moral base.

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

I you are concerned about Howie knowing if you look at the "catcha blog" be aware the site probably does collect stats although from the comments made on the site I question the accuracy of the data or maybe it is just the interpretation.

Frankly this is just way to crazy for me!

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been reading here off and on since I discovered it this summer. And my curiosity compelled me to go to the catchme blog. He and she need to understand that reading doesn't mean posting. If they harass me now because I read the catchme blog, there will be consequences. This is not a dare.
I want nothing from Howie. Reading here has been like staring at a car wreck.

Anonymous said...

the catch me web log is very scary to me. and did howie write that icky poem?

my name or initials aren't on any poems and i wrote on here

he sounds scared

and i think he on purpose was a certain way with the poor Sunday school teacher. if he can win over people they won't write is how the thinkin looks to me. just more lies

Anonymous said...

OK, this is the other L. First you are wrong about a lot of things. Second, I don’t know who is advising you but you are making your situation much worse. Just because I looked at your personal blog and read it last Sunday (yes many times) and yes I glanced at the catch me blog, that does not mean I am the one writing here. Don't jump to assumptions based on the stat counter of your home blog and the catchme blog. I rarely rarely write here (yes I look). Reading and looking are not the same as writing. I did not get into a war of words last Sunday. That is your assumption. I don’t care that much anymore!! You are saying things about me in your poems and I want to be left out of it. I tried once to be a real friend to you and you are just clueless. Clueless!!! Cybersex? I mean you miss the whole point Howie of why I was upset with you and I am sure others. And, if you want the blog to go away, there are so many things you could do but you and Nancy instead choose to do things that obviously inflame the situation. Use your brain. Let me assure you that this is my last post here, and I just don’t care anymore. I am not in any pain about you. I simply don’t care that much. Your poem just shows me even more that you never knew me or heard me all, that you are clueless about people and women, and you are losing it too. You can remove me from your list of suspects and keep searching. Here is my piece of advice. Have you ever heard of taking the high road? Maybe if you did that, nobody would write here. What does that mean. Well. You have a great and happy life now you say? Just live it and ignore and perhaps the world would move on as I have! The other L

Anonymous said...

PS It is not normal or typical or ordinary to have a list of women who hate you either. Look in the mirror! Who has a list like this? Or a blog like this. You still have not taken any ownership for the deep hurt you caused people. Reading here, I think that is what just infuriates people. Why don't you see that?? Howie, this is your doing, all of this. Yours alone. I don't know any other man who has a blog like this, do you? Please try to look at yourself and be real and get some help! And just ignore all of this. Work on yourself. Be honest. LAST POST!

Anonymous said...

BTW - the threats have been removed from the site. That was a really dumb idea to begin with. I`ve got a copy.

moving on - Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Oh lisa, you are so much fun.
I should probably let you in on a little secret.

I love Howard very much and have for many years. We’ve known each other for a long time, longer than you. I’ve been on her

pretending making 100s of postings pretending to be different people, some who hate him or what have you. Why ? Because I

love him but not that way you think, more like a close friend and brother and if he is tracking things here or hired someone

to do that then so he knows I’ve been on here. So what I don't care.
And now Lisa says someone is out there using her name or something - ahhh so getting a little pay back huh?

I've been doing it just to stir you up because you are nuts. It’s become a hobby of mine making up outlandish things on here

and then watch the ‘analyzer’ (my word for Lisa) go off on how she can psychoanalyze us and Howard … hahaha it’s funny.

What’s been the most funny is watching how you actually believe ANYTHING that is written here as if it’s factual. No matter

what I’ve ever posted its been believed. Even when I've written something, and then argued with myself on here. You've said

you support me and then when I, the same person, say the opposite you go off on me.

I was the one who posted "I think they broke up," and it was hillarious to watch the two lisas go at it. You showed your

colors then for sure. You really just need help.

For the uninformed, Lisa has never even met Howie and hardly ever even chatted with him at all. She lies on here

tremendously. She has been blocked from various other sites for being malicious poster. She spend most of her life on the

internet posting on this site and many others. I’ve been able to post one little thing and watch her scamper about flittering

here and there screaming “chicken little the sky is falling the sky is falling.” And by changing my IP every time she would

just fall for absolutely anything I wrote thinking it was 'another person' and in fact, would post 5 to 10 in a day just to

make it seem more people were responding.

It's fairly apparent Lisa has a personality disorder for those of you who don't know how dangerous that is you need to know

Lisa just uses this site to make herself feel valuable and important. She also suffers from an inability to form real and

vibrant intimate relationships.She has a need to beleive herself more grandious than reality suggests. Her self image is

derranged to the point of believing she has the ability to master the minds of others.

I wouldn't be surprised if she probably has social phobia which is people afraid of doing common things in front of other

people and that might explain her need to post here all day. For example, social phobics would be afraid eat or drink in

front of other people, and they can't control their fear. Sometimes, they end up staying away from places or events where

they think they might have to do something that will embarrass them.

Her gradiose notions of herself lead her routinely to be the one who "knows all" and can inform others she thinks are

listening to her. She posts annoymously and then uses her name to make it seem like someone is talking back to her.

Here's the sad part, Lisa wants to publish a book can needs some way to get attention and get people to think she has anythin

of value to say so she uses this site to fuel her own notions of worth and value and eventually was hoping to generate

attention for her book.

Well, when 100s of postings here came from her and probably as many from me and I think Howard's girlfriend posted a lot too

well what's that say Lisa.


I have to laugh at how silly you look though, oh and don’t get yourself all in a tither… Lisa has pretended to be many

different people on here.

And now this new blog lisa put on here. What is Lisa trying to do now make you think Howie put that up? Do you believe

Anything and everything she does? Do you really think Howard is going to write something and then take it down and re-post it

again or threaten someone for reading her shit?
She is playing with you and I'm going to shed some light on it.

IF ANYONE REALLY KNOWS HOWARD, the guy is busy 24/7, working 5 am to midnight most days and do you think he has the time to

do what Lisa accuses him of doing ?

WAKE UP and Come to your senses Lisa.

I am biased. I love the guy and have forever. I probably always will. We became good friends out of college and I've seen him

through it all dear.

Seriously now, Lisa get a man and get a life get out of the house. Write your book and no one will care.
I know her so well, she will use her name to answer this and claim that i'm either Howard or nancy or someone else because

she keeps guessing if and when they are on here so someone will believe it. It's ridiculous. In fact if you want to write me

Lisa, and you're so smart then get my IP off here and send me an email.

Anonymous said...

Oh and let me join the two Lisas in once again saying "this is my last post."

get real, they will keep posting to each other on here to make it seem like there are lots of people so they can stir up at least one person(even though they could just email each other because they have)

So more anonymous postings will continue to be them because they can't resist the attention they are giving each other.

You've become a fun hobby of mine and it's really fun to finally let you know. 100s of postings all from me hee hee hee

And see the they admit the last few postings are only them. "last one, promise, moving on, really really really... i'm really moving on." and still accusing others of being Howard or his girlfriend

You think you know so much and can evilize a person just because you say so?

Get Help Lisa!!! Get help! Making another blog and pretending it was Howard now that is out-there.

Anonymous said...

Would you mind saying Lisa S. Because I don't think it is about me! I really am not going to say anything else. I am sorry all of this has happened, but you are throwing around the Lisa name and it makes me sick....I cared about Howie and tried to be the same kind of friend you say you are. I really did, and I am not a mean or vindictive person. I cared about him, so leave me alone.

Lisa S and I are not posting to each other and I have no idea about another blog. Really I don't. You mean the elisamarie blog? You are saying she put that up, and not him?? Well, I don't know what to say about that. I found it the way it said but man, I am completely confused now.

This is all too insane for me, that is why it is my last post for real. I was serious but then you started posting my name. What for? You sound crazy yourself to be honest. I tried to be honest in my answer to him this morning and I just am done. I thought I was trying to give a helpful advice which was to move on. I do think people would stop if they both just ignored it.. I always did.

I am TOTALLY CONFUSED! And this is very very kooky.....All of it!!

Really insane....What I don't understand is if you have access to this blog now to get stats, why don't you just get it shut down? It seems like it is time which I said a long time ago....

the other L!

Anonymous said...

I guess they were scared

So they erased the catch me blog

But it is too late

Anonymous said...

The person who calls him Howard and has left "hundreds" of emails here sounds as nutso as him.
If you love him so much, why would you cause him all this trouble? Inflaming things? Sounds like REAL LOVE to me. If what you are saying is true, YOU are the one contributing to his problems. YOU are making him and Nancy look bad. Your post even sounds unhinged.
Does he know you are "helping" him in this way? Does he approve? Does he appreciate what you are doing out of "love" for him?
I believe you have made a lot of posts -- clearly you don't have anything of value to do. But I DO believe there are a lot of OTHER women who have posted her, being honest about their experiences and their pain.
I've known Howie since the early 1990s (quick, try to figure out who I am!!!). I have seen a long line of flirtations, online girlfriends and relationships. All of them have failed, including the one with me.
I am not Lisa, Lisa S. or anyone who has been named.
But I think I just figured out who you are. Funny, your email address used to be "cyberstalker" didn't it? I bet you are the one who bought his domain name years ago out of spite. You wanted to marry him and he said no way.
Don't bother to tell me I'm wrong. I won't believe you.
He's not even worth all this trouble.
Enough already.

Anonymous said...

I checked that other blog and its still there so its not erased who ever said that. i think the person who wrote that long thing actually finally makes sense that people are pretending to be lots of people. I have posted here tons too so its not 100s of people it's a few postings 100s of times.

we do sound luney I think. especially the woman trying to write a book and use this to get attention you do need help. and creating a blog and blaming someone else for it. when you think about it only the person who wrote it would actually have the link so the Lisa S who put the link to it is probably the person who wrote it. Otherwise how else would she have found it? That long post makes the most sense of anything and finally explains how she posts and then argues with it to make others on here upset making up a whole lot of different things.

I get it ! thanks for that information. and the person who went to visit him for telling your experience.

Anonymous said...

Lisa S you sound like you are crazy creating another blog to make it look like it was him or someone else and get attention for yourself. And if that 'long post' wasn't true then why do you keep coming back here . the other lisa too why do you keep saying this is your last post but time and again come back? ummm, sounds like women who just want the attention.

Anonymous said...

this his Howie's wife, no not really it's Lisa S, no no... just kidding. It's the 'other lisa."
No! It's his friend from college, no. this time i'll write like I'm a girl from the 90s. No, stop it. I'm just kidding. It's Nanc. no its me pretending to be someone who knew him in the 80s. Oh I can pretend to be lots of people how easy it is to type whatever I want.

Anonymous said...

this his Howie's wife, no not really it's Lisa S, no no... just kidding. It's the 'other lisa."
No! It's his friend from college, no. this time i'll write like I'm a girl from the 90s. No, stop it. I'm just kidding. It's Nanc. no its me pretending to be someone who knew him in the 80s. Oh I can pretend to be lots of people how easy it is to type whatever I want.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the last four posts have been made by Howie himself.

Anonymous said...

I am the one who said I love Howard and to answer the person saying does he know. Of course not! how stupid would that be to tell him I've posted on this thing. I'm not trying to help him it's nothing to do with that. this is just silly and fun. It's mostly Lisa S anyway for her book.

I've also posted other things today, "quick guess which ones?" you are funny to play with. interesting you guessed my email.

Anonymous said...

The person who said they wrote the long message today was not that person I am. Someone has lost their minds or its Lisa S again trying to stir people up. Having fun Lisa? You really do need help.

Anonymous said...

Lisa S you made all this shit go haywire on here. You are some kind of traitor and nut-case. To the person who posts 100s along with Lisa s, get lost. To his 'friend' go be his friend and thank him for not ever giving coming on here. To nancy, run like Katie Holmes, run baby run is any man worth what these nut-jobs are doing to you even if the sex is good, run run run. this is just a couple of shut in women losing their mind.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm done "playing." As I've said in previous posts, he's not worth the trouble and this blog is just a car wreck.
To the women who posted honestly about their experiences, best wishes to you. If you survived Howie, then there's nothing in this world you can't survive.
To the "friend" having fun playing, your friendship is toxic.
To Howie, you do need help, and I hope you get it.
To Nancy, if you are the one who can truly help him, more power to you.
I had completely moved on when I found this blog. The blog just stirred up old hurts and anger. But reading it also proved theraputic. I'm done. Now and for good.

Anonymous said...

Hey, trust me, even I'm not clever enough to concoct such drama.

Anyway, there is a witness to this. I DID post on a blog it's gone now but there is a reference to my July posting still at I was stating my bad dating experience with a link to this blog back then. Recently a post was added to that site with a poem called "Lisa's Heartbreak" which announced the blog which is how I found about about it. I signed up fo notification by subsequent postings back in July.

The threatening blog first stated that it was all a trap for me but really I freely admit to posting a warning there so I don't understand the drama.

Sorry folks, the owner of the blog discursivemonologue can always be called as a witness to how this drama unfolded. He might have been duped into helping Howie, but really, the paper trail to this and the witness protects me. The threat blog stated that this guy was approached by to help Howie send me to the threatening blog and it has totally backfired and that is because I have done absolutely nothing that I'm ashamed of doing.

Really, it's time to stop. I'm not going to try to get anymore links to this blog. Because it's not even going to help anyone anymore at this point.

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Hey, trust me, even I'm not clever enough to concoct such drama.

Anyway, there is a witness to this. I DID post on a blog it's gone now but there is a reference to my July posting still at I was stating my bad dating experience with a link to this blog back then. Recently a post was added to that site with a poem called "Lisa's Heartbreak" which announced the blog which is how I found about about it. I signed up fo notification by subsequent postings back in July.

The threatening blog first stated that it was all a trap for me but really I freely admit to posting a warning there so I don't understand the drama.
Sorry folks, the owner of the blog discursivemonologue can always be called as a witness to how this drama unfolded. He might have been duped into helping Howie, but really, the paper trail to this and the witness protects me. The threat blog stated that this guy was approached by to help Howie send me to the threatening blog and it has totally backfired and that is because I have done absolutely nothing that I'm ashamed of doing.

Really, it's time to stop. I'm not going to try to get anymore links to this blog. Because it's not even going to help anyone anymore at this point.

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

Oh I knew you'd blame my posts on Howard. You like to self-grandize and think you have some kind of power to know who is posting and then do the same thing by accuse him of guessing? If I feel sorry for him its having a crazy person like you after him.

None of this has anything to do with Howard its about me or you and why we feel a need to write to people we don't know and then guess who they are its a way of staying connected to him. I can attribute literally more than 150 posts to me.

No one will stop even though its hurting our own lives. We are missing out on real relationships here at the computer. No one wrote here for a long time after the 'shrink' said we should look within. We should. Minniemouse who started is the one who must enjoy watching people hurt themselves and is still on here holding this torturous place open for some lunatics to use this space for lots of pretense. I wish her a better life and I hope Howard lives a long and happy life away from his computer unlike others sitting in front of a computer screen. What kind of life is that?

I think I'll follow the last post and be done!

Cheers! To a life of companionship and love for all mankind away from computers. May I find it soon and you and you.

Anonymous said...

I thought Lisa s the other lisa already said they weren't coming back her. You've already ruined it who knows what is true and what is not. you admit to doing the things that person said you were doing and yet you never even met him? using us for your book? you are reading this when you said you won't be posting. I'm sure you still will.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post again but I needed to clear my name. I really do not appreciate being accused of falsing creating a threatening blog when in fact I was the one threatened. I won't bother stating what threats were made. I freely admit to posting links on sites back to this blog to warn people about Howie, I have never denied that. I also have not made any efforts to hide my IP address during that process.

I have met Howie briefly once. We never IM'd. We corresponded enough for me to get the movie plot etc. I have never posted on here pretending to be somehow who dated him. EVER

As for any book writing, I'm interested in the Philosophy and a current student of philosophy at CSUS. I can even be seen drinking coffee in public at the local cafe durning breaks. I'm not interested in tell all type story, philosophy of mind and jungian psychology yes, but not tell all cheap drama stories. It's just not me. What I'd really like to do is finish my studies here and do a graduate degree in Paris.

Lisa S

Anonymous said...

gosh what entertainment today! you keep posting "moving on" and "my last post" and again and again "my last post, really really really" but you keep coming back. Clear your name dear? what name? We don't know your name except Lisa S.
You do seem to have that narsassictic need to get attention and grandize yourself by thinking we give a shit about you. We don't. You act like you know who is on here and who isn't that you have all the answers and you are the only source of 'the truth' yet you just proved that other person right , you never met him or once or something? you didn't email him ? you never fell in love with him ? then get the hell off here you piece of crap.
the one who said you're just using us for your own whatever is right!

How can you relate to anyone who dated him or anyone else for that matter and yet you keep wanting to give us more information about yourself your studies your philosophy and coffee and wanting to study in paris or whatever. What a piece of work you aer. Everything in your signed posts today (and those unsigned) only proves that one right, you're out there trying to get people here to read about how much YOU KNOW? no wonder you're the only one who signed your name, you grandize thyself WAY TOO HIGH. You're nothin but someone who can't live in the real world stays in school forever 'studying' because you think the world cares what you have to say? you've used this site to tout your education and how 'smart' you are? hit the road chick

Anonymous said...

oh dear "lisa s" (if that's your real name) who cares about YOU? "study in Paris!" oh my my my my my. What grand ideas you have my dear. Will that be on line on a map or in person. Gee for a person who never dated him you've sure taken it your own mantel to get people here to read what YOU have to say about how well you so know him when uhhh helll-o! You just "met him briefly" ! what a f-ing joke. You're basically what you'd call someone trying to ride the coat tails of others and in this case trying to get attention from the situation of others and piggy back to get attention for YOU. No wonder you signed your name! oh my gosh that all makes sense now and why you have posted 100s of times trying to make this big FOR YOU?

I went to college and actually have a degree and people 'studying' psychology are usually the ones with serious mental issues, you've proven that. look up "manic-depressive" and "enhanced self-image" anxiety disorders. You're single right? Makes sense.

Good idea on going to Paris. We'll start a fund to help you get there. Man, I'm so glad this came out today. This is NOT about you Lisa S. No one cares one iota about you.

Anonymous said...

Lisa S! "finish your studies here and then go to paris"? You haven't even graduated from college and aer on here writing like some big-shot. I think you've been the biggest traitor. You've admitted having very little to do with him. Stirring up trouble that's what. In college you learn there is alwasy more to learn and basically none of us know much about much. That's the philosophy of life , there is always more to learn. It's no wonder you've been posting like you're the know-it-all people who haven't yet graduated and haven't yet come off their youthful high-horse tend to be right at that same point in life. Go and get an education dear and then when you realize you can't talk about things you know nothing about, then write your book about that. Answer the "why" of life and you'll see , no one knows. But, here, in this room, you've ruined it by pretending so much just to get attention for yourself from us.

Anonymous said...

Gee Lisa S you should have started a blog for people "wishing they could date howie" since apparently that's all you did by your own admission. I might not be as mad as the person who said you're a piece of crap but I do agree no one cares about what you are studying. You do sound like you have some bigger image of yourself. You were the only one on here who wrote like you had the only truth and yet had the least knowledge. It's kind of shocking. PLEASE DO NOT POST ON HERE AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

if anyone knows who is Lisa S her whole name go to "don't date her" and put her information up there. I think someone said her email is cyberstalker ? right? if you know her email put it up there since she is what gives women a bad name when she never even knew Howie. wE don't need help like hers.

Anonymous said...

Lisa S. is not the person with the email 'cyberstalker."

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